File :[Luckystarmario.swf] - (2.98 MB)
[_] [L] DERP DERPDERPDERPDERPDERPDERPDERP 02/05/09(Thu)12:46 No.890011
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/09(Thu)12:55 No.890018
this is hell of alot better than the cirno post
>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/09(Thu)12:55 No.890019
>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/09(Thu)14:24 No.890066
I havent seen lucky star. I fapped to its hentai tho. And watch shit like this. Maybe I should
watch the show too.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/09(Thu)15:26 No.890102
Yeah I thought the same, I watched a few episodes and found it rather boring.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/09(Thu)16:42 No.890172
watch 5 eps. If you don't like it by then ,you never will.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/09(Thu)17:07 No.890188
More like: Watch it from episode 5 onward.
They switched the director and it got a hell of a lot better.
The first 4 eps are fucking boring...
>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/09(Thu)17:33 No.890220
cheating by bending the sounds and using non-series effects. also using mario song in the
background tricks you into thinking its better than it is.
this isn't allowed to be awesome. sage
>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/09(Thu)17:37 No.890225
/f/ needs more awesome like this
>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/09(Thu)18:15 No.890249
the hell you talking about? it's great