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[_] [L] /r/ that jap song that's "cherry" or something GiganticNigger 12/18/08(Thu)19:26 No.864013
It's all jpop and shit and i hate that genre but it's stuck in my head ):<
>> [_] Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)22:17 No.864093
i think thats halcali? its been years since ive listened to them though.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)22:25 No.864099
me again, im pretty sure its halcali, some song from their bacon album.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)22:35 No.864109
The song in the video is Tandem by Halcali. I have no idea what "cherry" song you're talking
about, though.
>> [_] GiganticNigger 12/18/08(Thu)23:55 No.864153
no no no, not the one in the fuckin flash
some other random jpop shitty jpop shit song that's music video is posted on /f/ every so often :(
>> [_] Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)11:16 No.864355
Get down?