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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19. Discovered flash files: 1 File :[Project.swf] - (258 KB) [_] [G] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)00:02 No.883907 Still a work in progress. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)00:10 No.883913 The purple/blue fighters leap out at warp speed and sometimes orbit the player ship. I think it's screwy. >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)00:15 No.883920 >>883913 yeah, just shoot them off when they do that. #2, blue guided shots are a good countermeasure. it's actually a bug that sort of evolved into a feature. this isn't at all how the final game will play. >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)00:17 No.883923 blue guided shots beat everything. >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)00:27 No.883937 crap, just realized I uploaded the laggy as hell version... This one has a bug that makes it slow. It's linked to the starfield in the background. >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)00:35 No.883941 More boobs. >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)01:10 No.883972 HOLY FUCK THIS IS BAD >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)01:13 No.883973 it's unplayable once you get like 3 or more mothership things on the screen >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)01:19 No.883978 I guess I should be pleased that people are now expecting it to be an actual game rather than a program demo. Expect something playable in about two weeks maybe. >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)02:19 No.884010 kinda easy, you can spam the blue tracer thigns and just fly through the swarm a few times. actually reminds me of protoss carriers. >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)02:47 No.884022 it's pretty fun as just a mindless shooter, but maybe some health packs or level ends (to reset health) would be nice >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:18 No.884036 This is awesome. I played it for a while. I think the blue guided shots need a limit for how many can be on the screen though, I found my framerate dropping a shit tonn after a while of shooting without hitting anything. >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:42 No.884046 OH MY GOD I'M THE MOTHERFUCKING MISSILE OF THE NORTH STAR JESUS CHRIST! >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)05:45 No.884102 Fellow dev here, nice progress! [toot] It's a shame flash sucks so much. I have a monster computer and yet things with this much stuff going on the screen[or less] run like ass. >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)06:57 No.884116 >>884102 Seconding that feeling. >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:10 No.884119 >>884102 >>884116 mostly how Flash uses its vector graphics. you can speed it up substantially by exporting .gif images and importing them back in. but with as many little blue bullets of FGARDESFUCK you can have at once, combined with the scripts that need to make ALL of them move, EVERY frame, the only real solution here is a bullet cap. anything less, and you'll just be fucking yourself (and admittedly everything else) over with a monstrous blue cloud of ass-vapor that's slightly less hi-res. >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:49 No.884147 >>884119 I can make it run 20x faster with just a simple change in the starfield logic. I have in fact already applied this change. It's not yet overly slow, not even on my EEEPC I develop on. >> [_] aika !!WuYNnPZ/f0U 01/28/09(Wed)08:58 No.884148 Blue homing guys were overpowepred, or rather, everything else was underpowered. And you don't feel rewarded when you kill one of the big guys because another immediately spawns and unloads ships at you. >> [_] Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)10:11 No.884182 Blue shot = god teir! |