File :[tteotta_eng_(550x281)_pb050215.swf] - (2.7 MB)
[_] [?] Anonymous 09/28/08(Sun)00:46 No.829814
>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/08(Sun)01:07 No.829819
Ah, I remember this.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/08(Sun)05:44 No.829874
I liked it
>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/08(Sun)05:53 No.829879
wtf cant understand fuck
>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/08(Sun)07:32 No.829912
Someone needs to make a parody with a white male and black female.
I've already thought of a few things for the translation.
White + White = Good
White + Asian = Good
White + Black = Bad
>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/08(Sun)08:36 No.829931
The flash would open with the white guy drinking coffee, while the black chick would be
sipping watermelon juice.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/08(Sun)08:42 No.829933
It's not funny enough.
The guy is getting french vanilla cappuccino, and the black girl is getting mocha.
This is a small bit better, as it is chocolate and vanilla references.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/08(Sun)08:43 No.829935
But she puts a slice of watermelon in his mouth, and watermelons replace carrots for the most
>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/08(Sun)08:46 No.829936
Coffee and cherry Kool-Aid. No, it can't be watermelon.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/28/08(Sun)08:51 No.829937
The witches - There she is