File :[light puzzle.swf] - (18 KB)
[_] [G] Can you du it? Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:20 No.895151
aight guys, I'm stuck on No. 18.
I can get the light diffracted into the three color zones while hitting two of the white zones,
or I can get all the white zones, or I can hit none of the white and only the colored.
Is this level possible?
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:44 No.895163
i dont know. i cant get past level 9
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)02:47 No.895190
Stuck on 11 here.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)03:29 No.895218
stuck on 12
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)03:35 No.895224
I'm stuck on 18 too
I don't think its possible to solve
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)04:08 No.895240
Only up to 16 so far. Seem to be one mirror short, which means i must have the wrong approach.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)04:25 No.895248
ffffffffffffff im stuck on lvl 1 fuck this shit
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)04:37 No.895255
Help me with 3rd, please... I'm colorblind.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)04:45 No.895264
Ah, thought I have to mix different beams, but it seems they can cross right at the point. I did
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)04:47 No.895266
Stuck on 16
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:36 No.895290
I was on 17 the last time this was posted on here, ALMOST had it but couldn't quite get it
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:39 No.895293
nevermind, somehow solved it in under 5 minutes this time
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:50 No.895296
i've finished this before, but it's taking me way too much time to get to 18, so i'm just gonna
say look for the creator's name and you should be able to find a site with the explanations
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:58 No.895298
I'm on 21 now. If you need any answers, let me know.
>> [_] Entropy !!hh94OdwWOxr 02/12/09(Thu)06:07 No.895300
How do you solve 12?
>> [_] Entropy !!hh94OdwWOxr 02/12/09(Thu)06:11 No.895301
Whoop, neveremind, got it.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:11 No.895302
Coming out of the red one, put a splitter going \ on the third spot. coming out of the red, put a
spliter going / on the 6th spot.
coming out of the blue, put a reflector on the 4th spot, like / so it reflects the blue beam down.
put a splitted like \ immediately below the reflector.
>> [_] Anonalizer 02/12/09(Thu)06:14 No.895303
What a chinesee Rip-Off!!
If you want to play original game and sequels of this game go to http://www.silverspac and download one of the parts of Chromatron
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:18 No.895305
the author of that game admits blatantly copying lol
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:18 No.895306
How about I don't care about your advertising, now fuck off. Post it here if you really want me
to play it.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:24 No.895309
fffffffffffffffffff 6
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:25 No.895310
22 is putting up a fight, but I think I see what I need to do.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:36 No.895313
stuck on 11
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:38 No.895314
fuck... 21 look evil...
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:39 No.895316
Third square after the red, reflect the beam down. immediately after, reflect the beam down and
right. This should reflect the green beam across the green spot. Now use the remaining two
reflecters to reflect the red beam up right and then up left, over the red spot.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:43 No.895317
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:48 No.895318
got it
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:51 No.895320
13 is a bit tricky to explain. I'll count columns A->O and rows 1->15
E2, reflector. Reflect the blue beam down and left.
A6, reflector. Reflect the blue beam right, across the blue spot
O6, reflect the blue beam down and left. It should hit one of the blue spots
L9, splitter, directly up and down. Should hit the other blue spot now.
for the red line, there's...
A14, reflector, reflect it up and right
E10, splitter, goes up right and down right.
F9, reflector, reflect it straight right.
N9, reflect it up and left.
J10 should be obvious. reflect it left.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:12 No.895326
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:19 No.895328
I have gotten 16 done... I've turned white by 45, and have it zigzagging through the receiver
formations, hitting all of them. I've also got 45 deg reflectors going to red and blue, but I
can't get the green laser to its receiver... I have three 90 deg reflectors left.
Damn it.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:20 No.895329
Let me just type out the solution, give me a second...
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:22 No.895330
HAVEN'T gotten 16. Haven't, sorry.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:23 No.895331
Onward to 23...
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:24 No.895332
My solution is this...
C8 - reflect the beam down right.
D9 - reflect the beam up right.
F7 - reflect it down right.
H9 - reflect it up right.
J7 - reflect it down right.
H10 - reflect it up left.
H2 - reflect it right.
N2 - reflect it down right.
O3 - reflect it down left.
N8 - reflect it up, into the reflector at N2.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:25 No.895334
Ah, damn you, I can't quite get this one. I see how it's supposed to happen, but I can't get a
white beam coming from the bottom left and the right at the same time.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:28 No.895336
gah, just had to get red's reflector out of the way...
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:38 No.895343
seems like there are 25 levels in this game, though level 99 and level 100 are mentioned in the
source code. maybe there are 27 levels?
also funny how much this has been posted lately. there was like a year of absense of this game
then it started appearing all the time, is it the same guy thats posting it?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:41 No.895344
Nevermind, finally got it. I had the complete wrong approach.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:42 No.895345
23 is just a joke.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:47 No.895346
in anime melodrama they call this a "Stand alone complex". Explained in a simpler and more
rational manner, in every audience, you've got about fifteen people who this appeals to, and they
become obsessed with it. As such, they repost it over and over again until everyone's solved all
the puzzles, and they're bored with it. After another year, the usership of this site will have
turned over enough that there will be more people here who are liable to become obsessed with it.
Cycle is repeated.
It may look like there's one actor behind it, but in reality its just a lot of people in similar
circumstances acting the same way.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:48 No.895348
And that's game. There are only 25 levels, going progressively, and I'm not going to decompile
this, so I'll take the previous anon's word.
22 is by far the hardest level. It goes downhill after that.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:51 No.895350
Alrhough, I just realised you can finish the last level with only the blue beam. That's a nice
challenge ;)
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:52 No.895352
damn, beat me by 5 minutes, and I agree
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)08:41 No.895365
i can't get past level 3 ^^
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)08:52 No.895370
wtf level 3 is hardcore
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)09:11 No.895375
You're shitting me right?
Google wins. Now I don't even have to explain them.