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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource Z348BXZ, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:11/1 -2009 21:07:50
16.1 years ago.

Ended:12/1 -2009 01:43:55
16.1 years ago.

Checked:12/1 -2009 03:00:00
16.1 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

 File :[owata.swf] - (89 KB)
[_] [G] BEAT THE GAME Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)15:00 No.874806

>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)15:02 No.874808

  Dam that pedo bear.

>> [_] Mr. Karate !R9bbxFr/Qo 01/11/09(Sun)15:36 No.874846

  I got to the boss and he is impossible.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)16:04 No.874867


>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)16:16 No.874877


>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)16:22 No.874881

  how to get across first screen?

  touching moving pad makes spikes go up, so jump when pad at left most point and jump again to
  make spikes not hit you, but touching ground on left make spikes come down on you

>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)16:23 No.874883

  wtf are the controls and what do they do?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)16:24 No.874886

  Holy fuck, I went down from the spikes and I get spin kicked and die

>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)16:40 No.874901


  You can go right, left, down, or up.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)16:47 No.874907

  Pro tip: If you see any sign with "Click me and win" you will get killed.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)16:56 No.874916

>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)16:57 No.874917

  z to shoot
  x to jump.
  arrows to move
  go right, get raped.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:01 No.875004

  go right and you can kill pbear, just shoot 3 times from the first block on the left leap to the
  top left when he runs at you then leap over his head when he jumps then go back down to the first
  block shoot 3 times jump back up to the left, when he moves over to the right again shoot 9 times
  then leap back up left and leap over his head again, repeat.

  however, to the right of him is a pit, which i TRIED to get over by jumping to the topmost block
  and leaping over to the next screen, but even doing this fails.

  going left if you get near the platform over the spikes it will raise, try falling near it then
  moving back quickly then leap on the platform again and quickly over to the left, once you get
  there you will quickly be smashed by another set from above.


>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:32 No.875030


  This man gave you a HUEG tip (down or up)

  Fuck you, sir. I LOST THE GAME.
  But I've beaten the boss.

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Created: 11/1 -2009 21:07:50 Last modified: 12/1 -2009 03:00:02 Server time: 15/03 -2025 05:12:48