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Threads (1):
File :[Create your own image board guide.swf] - (412 KB) [_] [?] Create your own IB for free!!! Anon 898540 >> [_] Anon 898541 >># I don't get the third step... >> [_] Anon 898543 >># thanks anon! I already made my image board, check it out! http://tinyurl.com/bestchan It's called BesTChaN! >> [_] Anon 898545 >># can you help me? I don't understand step 3 >> [_] sage sage 898550 sage goes in all fields. >> [_] Anon 898552 >># It depends on your firewall just access your firewall go to block programs or firewall options and add the path where you created your imageboard folder and select "accept traffic in this folder" or just run the server and your firewall should automaticlly ask you if you accept internet traffic on that specific path and click on "Yes, Always." or if you don't have a firewall just ignore step three. >> [_] Anon 898561 >># cooooool I made my own imagebord now! http://tinyurl.com/cn96l5 http://tinyurl.com/cn96l5 http://tinyurl.com/cn96l5 http://tinyurl.com/cn96l5 http://tinyurl.com/cn96l5 http://tinyurl.com/cn96l5 http://tinyurl.com/cn96l5 don't forget to visit! >> [_] Anon 898579 >># awesomeeeeeeeeeee >> [_] penisale 898591 can we b& this faggot? >> [_] Anon 898626 Does anyone else get two fags throwing snowballs at windows? >> [_] Anon 898634 Redirects. >> [_] Anon 898638 >># In theory, yes. He is forcing the users to watch a specific video, in case of the youtube video he could be trying to get extra views which is also known as a forced attempt as using /f/ as his personal army. If you regard him as a troll, trolling isn't allowed outside of /b/ according to the rules. >> [_] Anon 898644 The towel-wrapper's attempts at English could have been hilarious. Why the fuck would someone redirect it to fucking vodkas playing in the snow? >> [_] Cats777 !ZMTjkDFhqY 898700 Dammit, got snow-rolled again. >> [_] Anon 898724 raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaageeeeeeeeeee eee fuck redirections but i've got "no scrip" so everything went better then possible >> [_] Anon 898734 There needs to be better control of these redirect flashes. Redirect = B& |