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Threads (12):
File: dead_drunk_v1_3.swf-(1.84 MB, 400x200, Game) [_] happy drunk day Anon 3493375 I hope this is the version with poker face I can't check aim intoxirated >> [_] Anon 3493376 it is I did it!
File: dead_drunk_v1_3.swf-(1.84 MB, 400x200, Game) [_] Drunk Game Anon 3488930
File[dd.swf] - (1.84 MB) [_] [G] oldie but a goodie Anon 1551119 >> [_] Anon 1551146 Stuck underground with no way to restart short of clearing the cache. That's retarded. >> [_] Anon 1551265 >multiplayer Oh christ. >> [_] Anon 1551268 This isn't even the latest version. >> [_] Anon 1551270 Super laggy. >> [_] Anon 1551271 >try jumping >smash head on floor >smash body on the ceiling >head flies through the wall >decapitated by elevator
File[dead drunk v1.3.swf] - (1.84 MB) [_] [G] Remember when dead drunk was good? Anon 1325999 ...and not a laggy piece of shit? >> [_] Anon 1326058 F-F-FUCK HER FACE >> [_] Anon 1326201 epic >> [_] Anon 1326202 Fucking car, I keep getting killed by it (I get stuck under the wheels).
File[dd.swf] - (1.84 MB) [_] [G] P-p-p-p-poker face Anon 1292064 Let's play KILL THE DRUNKY! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1292070 multiplayer ever work? >> [_] Anon 1292075 fucking cars >> [_] Anon 1292080 got home bitches! >> [_] Anon 1292084 This is an old version, so i'll post 1.5 for ya'll. >># If you click on the multiplayer thing, it takes you to the website, where it says multiplayer is down indefinintly. You can also get the latest version there. >> [_] QB BILLS !9douNdvVxM 1292118 literally the worst game ever >> [_] Anon 1292122 CANT READ MY, CANT READ MY, NO HE CANT READ MY POKER FAACE >> [_] Anon 1292143 I get that its supposed to be a drunk sim, but holy fuck are the controls frustrating. >> [_] Anon 1292146 DUDE!!! ALCOHOL AND WEED MAN!! THAT IS THE HOLY SOLUTION!!! >> [_] Anon 1292160 you successfully arrived to home >:| >> [_] Anon 1292188 I want to hate-fuck whoever programmed this game. With one of those oil-drilling augurs. >> [_] NotSoHelpfulAnon !tTYf5SBAko 1292206 SO MUCH MORE FUN DRUNK. And harder.
File :[dd.swf] - (1.84 MB) [_] [G] Anon 985002 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 985019 might be a little more fun if it wasn't so buggy >> [_] Anon 985043 why did he pick this song? >> [_] Anon 985076 win >> [_] Anon 985091 FUCKING RAGE AT THE AUTOLUNGE TOWARDS BOTTLES THEY ARE RIGHT AT THE FUCKING EDGE BETWEEN JUMP-OR-DIE GAPS >> [_] Anon 985119 lost in static hurt my eyes over 9000 times more. >> [_] Anon 985187 The fact that Lady GaGa is a hermaphrodite, makes this game even better. >> [_] Anon 985207 What is the name?
File :[dd.swf] - (1.84 MB) [_] [G] LADY GAGAGAGAGAGAGA Anon 964541 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 964543 Well, guess it's not the same whitout a gun >> [_] Anon 964544 Nice job you broke it. >> [_] Anon 964545 Wtf, I arrived Home, this can't be fucking true, wtf you did to it? >> [_] Anon 964561 OP here: What's all the crying about, you little bitches? >> [_] Anon 964575 fuh fuh fuh fucker face, fuh fuh fucker face... >> [_] Anon 964624 anybody else forgo the game in favor of making stickman dance? >> [_] Anon 964705 /r/ing original >> [_] Anon 964708 The song is so awful >> [_] Anon 964710 >># she doesnt even rhyme with the muffin line >> [_] Anon 964713 >># 'cause nuffin' rhymes with muffin... oh wait. >> [_] Anon 964714 >># isnt it "cause im lovin with my muffin" ? >> [_] Anon 964720 >># Just saying, Muffin isn't the hardest word to rhyme with. >> [_] Anon 964727 Can't unhear: I got my pokerface fu fu fuck her face I got my pokerface fu fu fuck her face I got my pokerface fu fu fuck her face
File :[dd.swf] - (1.84 MB) [_] [G] Shelly 4640 5082 1360 960631 >> [_] Anon 960633 Why does 1.3 keep showing up here? There's at least a 1.5 out. >> [_] Anon 960699 fuh fuh fuh fucker face fuh fuh fucker face >> [_] Anon 960702 stop posting shelly >> [_] Anon 960745 Fuckin, I keep on getting stuck between the boxes and the demn car on the lower level. The physics is too bs >> [_] Anon 960767 holy hell that was difficult but I actually got past the friggin lamp posts and beat it! reminded me of the Earthworm jim Frustration.... >> [_] Anon 960774 very good game >> [_] freedon !!/5rOB1BcqTe 960775 >># 1.5 has a battleship that makes the whole game suck.
File :[dd.swf] - (1.84 MB) [_] [G] DEAD DRUBNK Anon 940213 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 940220 goty >> [_] Anon 940221 thanks for playing this SO STUPID game. >> [_] Anon 940232 i think this game gave me downs syndrome. >> [_] Anon 940240 needs more version 1.5 >> [_] Anon 940241 This is the old one, the new one is about twice as long >> [_] Anon 940244 multiplayer link works this time >> [_] Anon 940254 Multtiplayer is impossible >> [_] Anon 940256 >># you are impossible, my good sir >> [_] Anon 940265 fa fa fa fucker face fa fa fucker face >> [_] Anon 940266 my my my poker face ma ma fuck her facec >> [_] Anon 940295 Oh God, I jumped and got stuck between the elevator and the room OH GOD I DIED FOR FIVE MINUTES STRAIGHT Also, this music is balls. >> [_] Anon 940326 Not as rage inducing as the original version. They made the last bit easier. >> [_] Anon 940332 the chick singing this song is so fucking hawt >> [_] Anon 940470 fuck, can you fucking fly in this or something? I'm stuck at the run, jump, jump, jump part. >> [_] Anon 940472 AHAHAHAHAHAHHA MY HEAD GOT STUCK IN THE ELEVATOR DOOR AND IT KILLED ME! >> [_] Anon 940474 Also, sauce on new version.
File :[dd.swf] - (1.84 MB) [_] [G] R>inside dead 917168 R> The clip with dio saying Eat some of this truck Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 917184 Why... is the dude's house... on the other side of a pit that can only be crossed by hopping across light poles? The world may never know. >> [_] Anon 917197 >># Hey, you don't question my construction work, I won't rape your mother. >> [_] Anon 917200 This is the hardest shit I've played in awhile. To whom ever made, I deserver more thanks for playing this stupid game. >> [_] Anon 917201 FUCK YOUR SHITTY, POORLY MADE FUCKSTICK OF A FUCKFUCK FLASH. >> [_] Anon 917206 I got caught in the elevator door and died. >> [_] Anon 917218 >># I impaled myself on a car mirror. >> [_] Anon 917224 Goddamn this guy magnet-latching onto the beer bottles on the light poles is killing me every time. And I can't chain hop over the damn thing, I keep slipping and falling. This is nuts. >> [_] Anon 917225 I jumped in the same spot over and over again and eventually the shitty ragdoll physics turned me over upside down and I died. This is so bad it's funny. >> [_] Anon 917241 I finally beat it. The ending is "Thank you for playing this SO STUPID game" >> [_] Anon 917269 I FOUND TEH DOUBLE SECRET AREA also playing online is fuckwin >> [_] Anon 917314 PO PO PO PO POKER FACE NA NA NA NA >> [_] Anon 917376 >># I got stuck behind tank upside down and had to restart. >> [_] Anon 917396 Lunging for a bottle, he slumped beneath a car mirror unconscious. And then woke up to hit his head and go unconscious again another two times. Also, the very end of the level, on the lightposts, he decided to do some kind of amazing spectacular flip that not only got me to safety, but did no damage after he lunged for a beer bottle at full speed in mid-jump. It was pretty wicked.
File :[dd.swf] - (1.84 MB) [_] [G] Play |> Anon 903855 >> [_] Anon 903864 Thank you for posting v1.3 v1.4 is fucked (unconsciousness usually leads to death - guy hits his head over and over) v1.5 has a warship with deathtraps, which ruins the point of the game. >> [_] Anon 903896 how do you stop the bastard making a lunge for every bottle and falling off the edge when you're trying to get him to jump? >> [_] Anon 903901 >># Try to combine it with jumps. >> [_] Anon 903903 he'll gravitate towards bottles, just approach them slowly and you wont have so as much momentum after the grab. >> [_] Anon 903905 its a trap >> [_] Anon 903907 best game >> [_] Anon 903909 >># I jumped using this momentum on lamps. It ended up to be even easier and faster when before. >> [_] Anon 903922 got the powerup and won the game. now i can sleep easy without tormenting myself at night with my failure. and by sleep, i mean the sweet embrace of the grave. >> [_] Anon 903982 i beat 1.5 last night.. took an hour >> [_] Anon 903989 shit game >> [_] Anon 903991 The song sounds as though it's saying "Fu-fu-fu-fu-fuck her face" >> [_] Anon 904011 >># Cannot... unhear... >> [_] Hedgehog 904056 ololo u trolled our chatroom. >> [_] Anon 904066 >># that was damn funny
File :[dd.swf] - (1.84 MB) [_] [G] Anon 899232 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 899254 Fun. >> [_] Anon 899274 fun yes, but the checkpoint system is retarded >> [_] Anon 899279 Protip - You take damage if your head impacts any surfaces. Retarded, but hey. >> [_] Anon 899283 I'm crying. This game is hilarious... >> [_] Anon 899308 I want to hold him like they do in Texas state hold him let him hit me raise his baby stay with me (I love it) look and intuition play the card from spades to start and after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart oh, oh, I'll get him high show him what a guy oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh I'll get him high show him what a guy can't read my, can't read my, no he can't read my poker face she's got to love nobody can't read my, can't read my, no he can't read my poker face she's got to love nobody my po po poker face my po po poker face >> [_] Anon 899310 gah, im stuck at run, jump, jump, jump. >> [_] Anon 899311 I fucking love this game >> [_] Anon 899312 cant read my cant read my >> [_] Anon 899313 >># never mind, just beat it >> [_] Anon 899314 my head keeps getting smashed in the elevator >> [_] Anon 899315 shit's epic >> [_] Anon 899317 >You succesfully arrived to your home GRAMMARRRAAAAAAAGE >> [_] Anon 899319 It's too short though. We need more drunk adventures. Preferably with guns and shit. >> [_] Anon 899320 what sys admin doesnt pick up a hooker before going home? not enough realism >> [_] Anon 899322 PA PA PA POKERFACE >> [_] Anon 899326 >># OP here. I believe the guy who did this is Russian, which might explain it. >> [_] Anon 899327 so fucking stupid yet i cant stop playing it >> [_] Anon 899332 >># I'd say that English is not his first language. "Eric Gurt" is not russian name. >> [_] Anon 899348 this song will be stuck in my head for hours now >> [_] Anon 899356 what's the point of the secret area? any way to exit to the left? >> [_] Anon 899358 damn I wish the multiplayer version worked >> [_] Anon 899375 "You successfully arrived to home Thank you for playing this SO STUPID game!" >> [_] Anon 899379 God, that music is annoying. >> [_] Anon 899387 Played this through twice already, still can't get enough >> [_] Anon 899392 >># Click on the note. But this game is best played with this music, I believe. I just beat this game 4th time... >> [_] Anon 899396 I got stuck under the mirror of the car and whenever the guy tries to get on his legs, his head meets the mirror and BANG... and that went on... lol >> [_] Anon 899398 This song probably sounds really awesome drunk. Come to think about it I should probably get hammered and then try playing this. >> [_] Anon 899402 >># I wish we could do it together by the means of the Internet! >> [_] Anon 899461 The server at is taking too long to respond. >> [_] Anon 899471 someone help me when i reach the house it says blah blah u win and i go back to the main menu but when i try to play it again it jus puts me at the checkpoint i made right before the house. how do i start over? >> [_] Anon 899475 nvm got it >> [_] Anon 899476 PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH POKER FACE FUCKING SHIT >> [_] Anon 899512 >># Have to hit the restart above the start at the main menu. |