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Threads (9):
File: Did I leave the gas on.swf-(1.98 MB, 320x240, Other) [_] Anon 2338634 >> [_] Anon 2338637 wat >> [_] Anon 2338659 >># he left the gas on >> [_] Anon 2338664 well.... that was something. not sure what exactly but it was something >> [_] xxx Anon 2338667 wat anime? >> [_] Anon 2338680 >># boku no pico >> [_] Anon 2338683 wut anime >> [_] Anon 2338691 >># Honey x Clover A college based coming of age anime, focusing on love, friendship, and that feeling of not knowing what the hell to do with yourself, and that sometimes rejection is okay too. Or, at least, that's what I remember about it, anyway. >> [_] Anon 2338700 >># thank you anon >> [_] Anon 2338768 >># and best guy won >> [_] Anon 2338776 >># Sounds like shit
File[Hagu and Morito.swf] - (1.98 MB) [_] [A] /f/ sucks today Anon 1407826 /f/ sucks today Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1407827 what >> [_] Anon 1407837 sauce and explanation demanded >> [_] Anon 1407840 haha what the fuck did I just watch >> [_] Wise Nigger !!tAKcS70dhFj 1407842 this didn't help >> [_] Anon 1407901 HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH >> [_] Anon 1407917 wat happened? >> [_] Anon 1407948 why he mad tho? >> [_] Anon 1407976 Stupid Flash Is Stupid >> [_] Anon 1407981 I never understood what was happening, but it's still funny. >> [_] 。ââ¿â。 1407988 i lol'd
File[Hagu_and_Morito.swf] - (1.98 MB) [_] [A] Anon 1321907 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1321908 I think he moved in with his auntie and uncle in bel-aire after that. >> [_] Anon 1321924 That is the best voice acting for a cat I've ever heard >> [_] Anon 1321983 Yep this what I do >> [_] Anon 1321991 sauce >> [_] Anon 1321994 why did he yell? >> [_] Anon 1321997 old enough for kisses. >> [_] Anon 1321998 >># Hachimitsu to Clover >> [_] Anon 1322000 >># Honey and Clover. College Slackers (Four males), have one of their teachers' cousins move into their dorm with them. She is eighteen years old, but looks and acts 12. There is one who is definitely maybe a pedo, one who is probably definitely a pedo, the dude in this flash who is an artist, and a fourth who is a pedo in denial. The dude in this flash, upon first meeting her, immediately runs away and finds the largest like.... Leave thing. He then has her pose with the leaf and takes pictures of her. >> [_] Anon 1322103 16 >> [_] Anon 1322127 >># I was half expecting Gimme Gimme to start playing. >> [_] Anon 1322202 Rofl'd SO hard when I watched that in the series. :3
File[HaguandMorito.swf] - (1.98 MB) [_] [A] Anon 1314088 >> [_] Anon 1314105 Sauce now faggots, that was fucking hilarious! >> [_] Anon 1314114 WHAT IS THAT ANIME I NEED TO KNOW >> [_] Sambal [US] Y4YGFL 1314117 Honey & Clover >> [_] Anon 1314150 fuck the what happen?! >> [_] Anon 1314167 God damn you Morito. ;_; >> [_] Anon 1314193 HOOOOOOOOOO AAAAAAAAAAAH >> [_] Anon 1314194 So... What's the story? Why did he kiss her and then run away? Is he a pedo? A closest pedo? Thought he was kissing a little boy? WHAT?! >> [_] Anon 1314198 WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? >> [_] Anon 1314237 parently the small chick is 18. no longer interested. >> [_] Anon 1314239 Pretty much everyone's reaction.
File[Hagu and Morito.swf] - (1.98 MB) [_] [A] Source anime? Anon 1214959 >> [_] Anon 1214970 Honey and clover i think. also the girl isint a loli she just looks like one somewhere in the show it says she's like 19 >> [_] Anon 1214972 yeah its a great anime very funny >> [_] Anon 1214973 >># >19 Riiiight. >> [_] Anon 1214979 >># no, I'm serious was kinda confused like hell when watching it but yea not a loli. dont believe me? lover first character listing >> [_] Anon 1214984 >># Oh I believe you, just, you know... Japan sure loves them young... looking. >> [_] Anon 1215065 WTF >> [_] Anon 1215118 This looks really cute :) Annnnd yeaaah I agree about the young looking and them Japanese :P Hahaha >> [_] Anon 1215121 I SWEAR I THOUGHT SHE WAS 19!
File :[Hagu and Morito.swf] - (1.98 MB) [_] [A] you raff you roose Anon 953783 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 953797 I lost. >> [_] Anon 953798 I won >> [_] Polysynchronicity 953802 Oh what the fuck. >> [_] Anon 953804 happens >> [_] Anon 953817 How is this supposed to be funny, exactly? >> [_] Anon 953820 i dont get it, is she just supposed to be wierd looking >> [_] Anon 953838 sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage >> [_] ÇlÉsıuÇd 953859 >># >># >># >># sure is /b/ in here >> [_] Anon 953871 Why did he freak? >> [_] Anon 953876 >># He don't like cakes. >> [_] Anon 953878 >># What cakes? >> [_] ÇlÉsıuÇd 953883 >># your daughter is a cake NOM NOM NOM >> [_] Anon 953885 >># :( >> [_] Anon 953886 sauce pl0x >> [_] Anon 953887 hannah barbera sounds eh? >> [_] Anon 953889 >># 'Honey & Clover' I think >> [_] Anon 953890 >># Cake = loli >> [_] Anon 953925 fuck yeah, honey & clover. i loved it. >> [_] Anon 953927 >># >'Honey & Clover' I think Yes, it's Honey & Clover. >> [_] Anon 953979 >># >># >># Not cake. She's 18. >> [_] Anon 953985 Wat. >> [_] Anon 953991 newfag. >> [_] Anon 953993 >># legal...not bad at all. >> [_] Newfag 953994 >># Yes? >> [_] Anon 954004 damnit, i lost badly >> [_] Anon 954016 I won, then came. >> [_] Anon 954018 >># You mean you came then you won >> [_] Anon 954020 so is she dead? >> [_] Anon 954021 sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage v >> [_] Anon 954023 >># Yes. That is why he ran away. >> [_] Anon 954037 Uh...what? >> [_] Anon 954041 I rost >> [_] Anon 954062 I'm more confused then anything... >> [_] Anon 954073 It was the wrong girl you idort
File :[Hagu and Morito.swf] - (1.98 MB) [_] [A] Hagu is so cute. Anon 935440 Source is Honey and Clover. >> [_] Anon 935447 WAT >> [_] Anon 935453 WHAT >> [_] Anon 935454 WTF >> [_] Anon 935461 she was 18 at the start of the series >> [_] Anon 935462 Can someone explain to me what just happened? >> [_] Anon 935469 >># He just realized that he is a pedoph... oh sorry "lolicon" and freaks out. I lol'd >> [_] Anon 935471 >># shes 18 >> [_] Anon 935473 >># I know, but he does not... >> [_] Anon 935506 WTF did just happen ? >> [_] Anon 935569 no idea what just happened, and its awesome >> [_] Anon 935579 At first I was like, o_o Then I was like, :'D >> [_] Anon 935694 name of animu? >> [_] Anon 935705 >># first post dipshit
File :[Hagu and Morito.swf] - (1.98 MB) [_] [J] BABY DON't HURT Anon 911550 MEEEEEEEEEEE~~~ Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 911555 she was already 18 at the start of the story >> [_] friendsofsandwiches 911562 Explain this to me >> [_] Anon 911576 Za Wardo? >> [_] Anon 911578 what is this anime? it fucking wins. >> [_] Anon 911609 Hachimitsu to Kuroba. >> [_] Anon 911655 >># Honey & Clover It's pretty damn good >> [_] !V3C/XM6Nhg 911710 HAHAHAHA i loled hard >> [_] Anon 911718 i find it hard to laugh, but this cracked me up >> [_] Anon 911768 no sir, i dont like it. >> [_] Anon 911773 >># i concur >> [_] Anon 911777 This is an accurate representation of how I react to women. >> [_] Anon 911804 >># try to suffocate them? >> [_] Anon 911870 this is quite good. >> [_] Anon 911872 >># shut the fuck up dbs, you anime faggot
File :[Hagu and Morito.swf] - (1.98 MB) [_] [H] URGHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHH Anon 900023 UAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 900026 indeed >> [_] sage Anon 900028 but, of course. >> [_] Anon 900029 Unexplainable... >> [_] Anon 900032 what hath thee holy than thou! >> [_] Anon 900033 it is >> [_] Been there... 狼 900034 Whats the anime? O_o >> [_] Anon 900036 What tha hell ? >> [_] Alucard 900037 hmmmm >> [_] Anon 900039 sauce?! >> [_] Anon 900041 >># >># Honey and clover >> [_] Anon 900049 lol wuts goin on in this thread. Really.. sauce on the clip we're watching here? >> [_] Anon 900050 I would bitch about a mistag.... But this is awesome, so I won't. >> [_] Anon 900051 an early Aizen's in this anime too. >> [_] Anon 900052 I loved that scene. Hagu is so cute wrapped up in her scarf. >> [_] Been there... 狼 900064 >># TNX! x) >> [_] Anon 900076 Really funny scene ^__^ >> [_] Anon 900084 ok... and what happened ? >> [_] Anon 900110 he saw a lion >> [_] Anon 900127 OMGWTF THIS AINT H! >> [_] Anon 900129 I demand someone to explain this scene? Did he just realized he made a move on a young girl and is insecure with his pedobearness? >> [_] Anon 900131 no idea but I made me laugh for a good while >> [_] Anon 900138 The best anime I ever saw! MOUSE! MOUSE! >> [_] Anon 900142 >># That girl is like 19. >> [_] Anon 900143 Fuck I hate it when that happens to me. >> [_] Anon 900145 HUAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH hhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... >> [_] Anon 900148 meow ? >> [_] Anon 900157 >># Sauce is Minami-ke >> [_] Anon 900162 >># Honey and Clover, newfag. >> [_] Anon 900163 >># You best be jokin nigga >> [_] Anon 900171 >># lover#Main_characters It seems that she's 18... >> [_] Anon 900173 >30 posts what? >> [_] Anon 900174 >># 32 actually >> [_] Anon 900206 what is anime? >> [_] Anon 900209 I claim 34th reply in this thread in the name of precious rule34. >> [_] Anon 900217 >># YOU BEST BE JOKING NIGGER >> [_] Anon 900218 FUKKEN SAVED! >> [_] Anon 900219 wat >> [_] Anon 900222 >># Read the thread, faggot. >> [_] ÂAnonOsaka !rEjCsBbT.6 900235 meow? MEEEEEEOOOOW >> [_] Anon 900244 JESUS LONGEST FLASH THREAD EVARR! >> [_] Anon 900245 >># I've seen longer. >> [_] Anon 900247 >># This will be the longest flash thread in existence! You have MY word. >> [_] Anon 900248 >># SUCCCCCK MYYYY DICCCCCCCCK >> [_] Anon 900249 someone explain why he is freaked out, did he kiss her? is it her expression? >> [_] Anon 900254 Hai guyz wuts goin on in this thead? >> [_] JIZZ IN MY PANTS Anon 900256 I need to know why he freaked! And OMG LONG FLASH THReAD >> [_] Anon 900262 >># I second this. Why the hell did the go nuts? >> [_] Anon 900263 >># Ok so Morita (The guy) kisses Hagu-chan (The girl). Hes freaked out cause hes in Love with Hagu, and gets embarassed for doing something so sudden. There u go newAnimeFags. And yes this is what being is love is like. >> [_] Anon 900265 Oh yeah and guis. Hagu is the name. -chan is the honorific >> [_] Anon 900266 >># >And yes this is what being is love is like. >this is how love is portrayed in anime fix'd >> [_] Anon 900274 >># You mean what I felt wasnt love???? BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWW >> [_] Anon 900279 kissu~ >> [_] Anon 900281 Still not as long of thread when I uploaded Midna the night it came out. That reached around 200 posts I think >> [_] Anon 900284 lol good shit >> [_] Anon 900297 I actuall BAW'D at the end of the 2nd series :( >> [_] Anon 900298 meant for eah other!!!!111 >> [_] Anon 900300 >># no its not >> [_] Anon 900301 This thread will reach 70 posts. >> [_] Anon 900310 I need to learn how to yell like that >> [_] Anon 900317 WWWWWWUUUUUUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH HHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Happens to me all the fucking time. >> [_] Anon 900321 UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA URWUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH >> [_] Anon 900323 >62 posts WTF?! >> [_] Anon 900326 anthony ur a faget |