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Threads (7):
File: miku_the_anime.swf-(3.99 MB, 512x384, Anime) [_] monday Anon 2569638 >> [_] Anon 2569640 So where's the rest of the song? Did they get bored after the first verse or something? >> [_] Anon 2569661 >># idk man, it's just a random miku flash that i like. >> [_] Anon 2569666 fY
File[miku_the_anime.swf] - (3.99 MB) [_] [?] :3 Anon 1422536 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1422554 Was this video ever finished for the full song? >> [_] Anon 1422572 Nice but it's a shame it didn't feature the full song. OP should finish it but, then, it might not be under 4chan's file limit anymore which would suck. Good job on it though, nicely done. >> [_] Anon 1422746 What is the song? >> [_] Anon 1422804 >># The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku. You can find a few vids of it on YouTube.
File[miku_the_anime.swf] - (3.99 MB) [_] [J] For every Miku flash you post a furfag dies Anon 1080549 >> [_] Anon 1080605 >># I wish. >> [_] Anon 1080716 for every miku flash you post you lose a week off your life
File[miku_the_anime.swf] - (3.99 MB) [_] [A] Anon 1076069 >> [_] Anon 1076163 I approve. I'm not sure why. >> [_] Anon 1076178 I CAN SING ON ONE NOTE REALLY FAST WITH ALOT OF WORDS i like the vid but seriously, implying miku is some sort of savior or person with awesome powers because of her voice is kind of lame. vocaloid is a nice novelty but i will never appreciate the music as having good singing. hell, the only vocaloid song i actually like isn't even sung by vocaloids. >> [_] Anon 1076201 >># The reason this song is sped up at times is because Miku is being uninstalled. >> [_] Anon 1076206 >># doesn't change the fact that it's ONE NOTE THE ENTIRE TIME. I'm not a big miku fan so I don't pay attention to the made up history people have put into this. >> [_] Anon 1076277 >># There is no history. That is what the song is about.
File[miku_the_anime.swf] - (3.99 MB) [_] [J] miku monday Mr. Inquizative !ZqVlyy1e46 1072581
File[miku_the_anime.swf] - (3.99 MB) [_] [A] MOAR MIKU!!! Mr. Inquizative !ZqVlyy1e46 1065574 PREPARATION FOR MIKU MONDAY IS ALMOST COMPLETE!!! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Yurka Maku !LCkYzsq4Pg!!P+YNkhU8cUg 1065590 its pointless without the full song you know >> [_] Anon 1065591 isn't inquisitive that retard from /a/? >> [_] Mr. Inquizative !ZqVlyy1e46 1065593 >># I like this one though... The video was very cool. >> [_] Mr. Inquizative !ZqVlyy1e46 1065600 >># I don't go on /a/... must be an impersonator. >> [_] Anon 1065622 >># No, he's the faggot from /c/. >> [_] Anon 1065624 Inquizative is purposefully trying to fag up /f/ but fails to realize that he's pissing in an ocean of piss. >> [_] Anon 1065628 Miku Monday is tomorrow, so just shut up and wait. >> [_] Sig !!JpSrTVJ8/M7 1065693 as much as I love miku, I hate the beginning of this song where she babbles the whole fucking bible! >> [_] Anon 1065702 /r/ song >> [_] Anon 1065817 >># And I love that part the most, so is life. >> [_] Mr. Inquizative !ZqVlyy1e46 1065833 >># I love that part as well... the lyrics she says during that time are really moving. >> [_] Mac !8BYElSbzsk 1065855 >># Disappearance of Hatsune Miku
File :[miku_the_anime.swf] - (3.99 MB) [_] [J] short Anon 903571 no, not a real anime. just a fanmade short. >> [_] Anon 903577 that was really shitty. miku hates to sing that fast. >> [_] Anon 903579 >># Who exactly gave to the ability to tell what Miku does or doesn't like. Hell shes a program she does what we tell her to. >> [_] Someone... 903580 Interesting... >> [_] Anon 903585 I'm her goddamn master I'll tell her to sing however I want!! >> [_] Anon 903588 >># it isn't an ability, i could precisely tell from the cancer sprouting out my ears that this flash has no point other than displaying sub-average artwork pieced together in a fashion to look cool to the common weeaboo, but that intention really died in a abundance of cliche and playback acceleration >> [_] Anon 903589 Very nice hyperdrive vocals, I like it. Only a computer. >> [_] Anon 903595 why is this no so much longer ;( >> [_] Anon 903596 >># the song, as it were, wasn't made for this animation. i'll upload the full song in a bit. >> [_] Anon 903628 >># gb2 /ic/ >> [_] Anon 903744 Too fast. But link a normal speed version, and I'll came. |