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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource E5377OF, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/2 -2012 07:10:57
13.1 years ago.

Ended:8/2 -2012 06:24:25
13.1 years ago.

Checked:13/2 -2012 01:39:58
13 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

 File[The Company OF MYSELF.swf] - (3.21 MB)
[_] [G] TroubledSoul !ERGHOSTA2I 02/05/12(Sun)00:50 No.1613895

  A classic

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)01:13 No.1613911

  I heard that the creator based this off of a personal experience and a trip through his
  depression. The source was untrustworthy, but if you see more games by this creator (2D Array),
  you'll find that some are jsut as depressing as this one.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)01:24 No.1613915

  >>literally dump girlfriend
  >>"crushed by guilt, didn't leave my house for days"
  >>don't leave house for days sometimes just cuz
  >>double lawl

  I was just starting to get good and depressed before that, too :(

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)01:27 No.1613917

  He didn't dumb her, she died.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:25 No.1613968

  I'd rather play Braid if I'm gonna play some gimmicky indie artfag platformer. At least it's got
  better music and visuals.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:44 No.1613987

  This game is amazing, and I also cried with the Kathryn death thing... Jeez....

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)03:33 No.1614007

  Ok so the ending, I was all like this. D:

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)05:11 No.1614057

  fuck off i teared up

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)05:15 No.1614061

  i just broke up with my gf of 8 months and only just got over it a month later

  now im bawing over it again

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)05:55 No.1614073

  This game, seriously, seriously..... ;-;

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)06:29 No.1614081

  ok Im stuck at that wide pit.. what do I need to do? :(

>> [_] TroubledSoul !ERGHOSTA2I 02/05/12(Sun)06:38 No.1614084

  just make a half a billion clones of yourself and keep jumping on their heads as they fall

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)07:09 No.1614094

  oh god that ending, i nearly cried

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)07:19 No.1614098

  stunk at pink staircase... no idea wtf to do i'm so dumb

>> [_] TroubledSoul !ERGHOSTA2I 02/05/12(Sun)08:36 No.1614108

  make the copy of yourself jump the up staircase, kinda hard to do, then you press A to activate
  the leaver, just pretend you are jumping up there with your solid self. And keep jumping like you
  are going up the stairs with the solid self, then press space and see if your copy did it right,
  make sure to press A to activate the leaver.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)11:04 No.1614143

  Great fucking game

>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)11:17 No.1614148

  burst into treats

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Created: 5/2 -2012 07:10:57 Last modified: 13/2 -2012 01:48:56 Server time: 14/03 -2025 20:09:22