File[diva-mizuki-portal.swf] - (1.35 MB)
[_] [H] Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)22:42 No.1626695
Can anyone hack this?
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)23:00 No.1626703
Can? Yes.
Going to? No.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)23:12 No.1626714
Question 1: Why not?
Question 2: MNF server update when?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)23:15 No.1626717
Because it's crap.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)23:48 No.1626741
This is horrible
>> [_] Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)23:59 No.1626743
>implying anyone would want to fap to this
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)00:10 No.1626753
it wouldn't be that bad if level 4 weren't unbeatable.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)00:33 No.1626773
oh no! I loose!
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)00:40 No.1626778
This is laughable next to the original guy's work.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)01:03 No.1626806
beat it, was boring
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)01:37 No.1626832
collect time bonuses for more time.
>> [_] Godwyn 02/27/12(Mon)03:02 No.1626871
Complete garbage.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)03:07 No.1626874
Why would you want to?
>> [_] Mr. Kidnapper 02/27/12(Mon)03:20 No.1626876
Can? Yes.
A MnF? Never.
BTW, beat game easy. Not that hard.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)04:14 No.1626885
>>shit spelling
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)04:20 No.1626887
I think a hack of being able to fuck/bj/titfuck with the 4 portal chicks simultaneously would be
pretty great.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)06:03 No.1626904
Finished level 6, turned out this is a trial/demo version.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)06:24 No.1626909
At first was meh, played through it anyway. To be honest the animations aren't bad if you ignore
IMPOSSIBOOBS. Curious as to what the last 4 levels consist of. Can this be hacked for full, or do
you have to give bitches money for that?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)06:33 No.1626911
>neglecting to notice "you loose"
Decompiled it. Looks like there is one set of sprites that isn't used in the game, probably a
buttfuck option in the last levels. Not sure how to open it up though.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)06:36 No.1626912
I think she needs a chiropractor. Her tits must bend her goddamn spine. Don't you think she at
least has a few serious back problems?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)06:55 No.1626918
What the fuck happened to being able to keep partially charged holes around like in the Christmas
MNF never learns.