File[catcatch.swf] - (11 KB)
[_] [G] challenge inside Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:17 No.1580843
>You post here
if you lost.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:01 No.1580851
I got it on third try
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:09 No.1580853
Got it on the fourth, made a perimetre and boxed inward. Tried another six times and ragequit.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:22 No.1580866
Got it on the fourth
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:15 No.1580891
Got it every time. I remember this being a lot harder.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:19 No.1580892
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:35 No.1580895
What he/she said.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:50 No.1580897
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)12:21 No.1580906
First try, I feel like once you know the trick it comes down to where the dark dots at the
beginning spawn but if people can do it every time, there is probably a different trick I've yet
to master.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)13:35 No.1580924
I did it
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)13:41 No.1580927
It's like playing go. Once you understand the rhythm to encasing the cat on the outter rim you're
going to win every time. The position of the starting spots is really irrelevant.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)15:11 No.1580945
First try win, for the first time. Thanks cat.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)15:25 No.1580953
I think this is always winnable even without random starting ones, but I'm too lazy to actually
solve the logic behind it.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)15:42 No.1580957
Cocks ;_;
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)15:43 No.1580958
I suck kitty cocks
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)15:52 No.1580960
it shares the same rules of EX (it's the gaame they were playing in "a beutiful mind" at the
beginning of the movie). It's easy if you can visualize the exagons around the cat so that you
know where the cat can go within the next 2 moves
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)17:12 No.1580994
>my face when i thought you could only expand from the spots at the beginning
>my face as I realized you could put a dot anywhere you want in my 10th try
>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)17:16 No.1580996
got it on 2nd try