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This is resource NW2UV9B, a Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/res/1596440 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12. Discovered flash files: 1
File[MLP Dating Sim V2.swf] - (1.28 MB) [_] [?] My Little Pony Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)01:42 No.1596440 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)01:59 No.1596446 2/10, the animation was a 3 second loop >> [_] Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)02:28 No.1596459 I like it. >> [_] TheNewGuy !!z1NSFYrIhAm 01/04/12(Wed)03:21 No.1596474 eat a dick OP >> [_] Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)04:21 No.1596492 Does anybody have the link to the 8bit MLP dating sim? >> [_] Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)04:33 No.1596496 >>1596492 http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/577171 >> [_] Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)05:34 No.1596514 >>1596496 You faggot >> [_] Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)06:59 No.1596526 I actually remember this, it's from an Israeli short film. >> [_] Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)07:16 No.1596529 >>1596526 The film is called Smile. >> [_] Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)11:36 No.1596599 >>1596492 >>1596492 >>1596492 I don't have a link, but here's the creator of the game's blog. When he releases a new version, he'll post it on there. http://pokehidden.tumblr.com/ >> [_] Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)12:08 No.1596609 I don't know about you guys I liked it, even if it was short. >> [_] Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)12:13 No.1596615 GOD DAMN IT, THIS IS AWESOME. I came here for some porn and i fund something better |