File[beta 3.swf] - (1.18 MB)
[_] [G] MLP Dating Sim 1.2 Fucking Broken PreRelease Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)16:40 No.1614780
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)16:53 No.1614782
>Sex with p0n3
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)16:54 No.1614783
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:00 No.1614785
Go fuck Scratch
Take two steps forward in the controls (Download the flash and play it in the standalone flash
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:02 No.1614786
>Anime goat sex simulater 6000
Lets do this.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:21 No.1614796
that sentence totally made sense.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:29 No.1614802
why cant finish P0n3
>> [_] ghostofthedoctor 02/06/12(Mon)17:52 No.1614812
i have a feeling i know what you do with the muffin
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:54 No.1614815
the one with pinkie pie is pretty fuckin hot
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:09 No.1614819
>go to scarecrow
>fall asleep/time skip
>wake up
>see Scratch
>cant do shit
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:24 No.1614826
there's code for twilight, no end scene... but there are the 4 scenes before it...
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:27 No.1614869
Spike you little shit, where are you asshole
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:35 No.1614879
You can get to the top of the the tree during the night, but the scene isn't coded fully so the
game stops after you talk to him so I don't know what >>1614826 is talking about
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)20:15 No.1614904
>Get wings
>go to scarecrow
>get ball
>go to cakes,
>wrap ball for pinkie
>Get muffin
>Go to 'thats a big tree'
>find twilight
>Read book - Learned Barrier breaker
>Go outside
>Fly up
>talk to spike
>Help I guess
>Agreed to buy train ticket
>Broke'd game
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)20:16 No.1614905
also what do the 2 buttons on the top right do?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)20:29 No.1614910
the pop up is supposed to be inventory and the other is supposed to be sound
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)20:32 No.1614913
The fuck happened to the Battletoads music? >:(
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)20:41 No.1614919
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)20:47 No.1614925
how do?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)20:55 No.1614931
>Get ball
>Go to bakery
>Click pony behind counter
>Acquire Present
>Click arrow on left going forward, takes you to empty scene with window and two tree/plant things
>Go to scarecrow pass a day with dancing
>Go back to bakery where you left present
>Pinkie Pie tackles and fucks you
watch the cum.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)21:13 No.1614940
Fuck off ponyfaggots
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)21:17 No.1614943
thank you
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)21:34 No.1614956
>> [_] Anon 02/06/12(Mon)22:27 No.1614997
Wheres the website for this?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)22:35 No.1615002
>Stop liking what I don't like.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)22:41 No.1615003
This is a horrible idea. I love it.