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This is resource UOUG1ZD, a Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/res/1598630 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9. Discovered flash files: 1
File[Panty Stocking Scanty Kneesocks.swf] - (1.28 MB) [_] [A] Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)04:12 No.1598630 >> [_] Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)06:33 No.1598713 source on the animation? >> [_] Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)06:36 No.1598714 >>1598713 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panty_%26_Stocking_with_Garterbelt >> [_] Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)07:22 No.1598727 >>1598714 Imaginative title. >> [_] sage 01/08/12(Sun)08:09 No.1598742 name of song? >> [_] Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)08:59 No.1598756 >>1598742 Panty and Kneesocks OST track 14: "Theme for Scanty & Knee Socks" written and performed by Teddyloid >> [_] Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)09:09 No.1598759 Not inclusing the transformation sequence = FAIL >> [_] Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)11:15 No.1598796 Might be better if it was just a loop of the middle shot with the endless stairs. >> [_] Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)19:55 No.1598879 >>1598796 Better be careful though- stairs are dangerous. Also, does anyone have a clue if there really will be a second season? Sort of a cliffhanger ending, but it seemed unsure just from googling. |