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This is resource Y6YMQF0, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:12/1 -2012 03:12:16

Ended:13/1 -2012 04:42:32

Checked:16/1 -2012 08:47:24

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 22.
Discovered flash files: 1

 File[GaloGameMenu.swf] - (662 KB)
[_] [G] Galo Sengen Game Progress Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:47 No.1600336

  This is what we've got so far for our Galo Sengen game. It's going to be a beat em up similar to
  River City Ransom, what do you think?

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:51 No.1600339


>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:53 No.1600341

  Cart before the horse.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:10 No.1600386

  GOTY all years

>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:58 No.1600403

  Honest feedback inbound:

  I actually like it. The idea is hilarious and you've left room for enough options to be
  impressive in such a limiting medium.
  As long as you don't make it repetitive as fuckall (and therefore boring after 5 minutes), this
  has potential to be grade A OC.
  Internet brofist, /f/riend

  Also, /r/ing sauce

>> [_] Sage01 01/11/12(Wed)23:04 No.1600406

  Don't listen to the retards saying that the game should have subtle/tasteful humor. The source
  material you're building a game out of is far from subtle, not only that but Ganguro/Gal culture
  doesn't have enough interesting facets.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:13 No.1600410

  >implying /v/ can make a game

>> [_] Sage01 01/11/12(Wed)23:14 No.1600412

  There's always a first for something also, Notch used to be a regular /v/ goer, until everyone
  started to hate him for making his game shit that is.

>> [_] mason !xkTAZ/I5qg 01/12/12(Thu)01:26 No.1600480

  This has lots of potential...

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:30 No.1600483

  It is only worth playing if their is a online option to download prerecorded speed runs and play
  them against each other in hopes that a epic combo connects.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:32 No.1600486

  This is great. My full sopport besides money goes out to you guys.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:33 No.1600489

  I like it but the menu should have more flashing lights and bling so as to fit with the video.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:35 No.1600491

  I know its just Galo Sengen, but are you going to include other music from POLICEMEN?

  They have some good songs.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:35 No.1600492

  Excellent menu, now start working on the game champ.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)04:49 No.1600549


>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)05:43 No.1600560

  Oh hell yes, you guys keep making this happen. So stoked on it.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)09:04 No.1600597


>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)09:11 No.1600599

  You shouldn't start super saiyan but like have a meter to go to super saiyan.
  Then when you do, the GO GO GO GO GALO SENGEN plays.
  And you start shooting out golden kamehamehas.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)09:25 No.1600600

  Well, you've got the menu done, now don't abandon this thing.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)10:22 No.1600610

  The tanning bed would be a great idea for a power-up into GO GO GO mode.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)12:05 No.1600628

  Fuck yes. I'd like to see a voltron esque tanning bed robot.

  Maybe as a special power up or something?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)13:28 No.1600648

  This has potential, you better don't fuck this up.
Created: 12/1 -2012 03:12:16 Last modified: 16/1 -2012 08:52:21 Server time: 22/12 -2024 11:59:21