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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource YQ0OKPU, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:12/10 -2011 20:45:44
13.4 years ago.

Ended:13/10 -2011 10:57:27
13.4 years ago.

Checked:14/10 -2011 12:02:32
13.4 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13.
Discovered flash files: 1

File[The Company of Myself.swf] - (3.21 MB)
[_] [G] Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)13:24 No.1569059

  The story of a man with a black topper and mental issues.

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)13:49 No.1569066


>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)18:31 No.1569118

  The story of HIPSTER GARBAGE

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)19:10 No.1569122


>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)19:19 No.1569124

  >mfw I see this posted with just about every single flash game posted on /f/
  >mfw you're probably just mad because you just rage quit'd.

  This game's actually pretty neat, IMHO.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:46 No.1569141

  hipster bullshit.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)20:55 No.1569142


>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)22:02 No.1569158

  i actualy enjoyed this, good find OP.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)22:13 No.1569160

  >>it's not possible that anyone would dislike something I like

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)22:30 No.1569169

  stuck at "I have more to say"

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)22:44 No.1569175

  nvm spammed clones till I managed across

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)23:07 No.1569180

  poor jack ;(

>> [_] Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)03:05 No.1569254

  That feel when every flash is a repost that I've already seen a dozen times and yet I still see
  new kids derping about them as though they just rolled in from /b/. This game existed before you
  started calling anything and everything that you disliked "hipster" to the point where the word
  had about as much meaning as "faggot" on this site.

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Created: 12/10 -2011 20:45:44 Last modified: 14/10 -2011 12:02:33 Server time: 14/03 -2025 20:09:23