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Threads (9):
File[bleach251135am.swf] - (3.5 MB) [_] [H] /f/ sucks today Anon 1518234 >> [_] Anon 1518236 theres a new one with harribel and kukaku >> [_] Anon 1518237 >># sauce? >> [_] Anon 1518238 bamp for interest >> [_] Anon 1518242 >># http://www.megaupload.com/?d=iq71rcby >> [_] Anon 1518255 >># Sweet, thanks. >> [_] Anon 1518295 When do we get to see all the loli characters? >> [_] Anon 1518311 It's really too bad all the translation projects for these things stopped. The finished version would be 10x better if I knew what the fuck they were saying...
File :[bleach251135am.swf] - (3.5 MB) [_] [H] /r/ complete translation Anon 1007713 this is an awesome flash but there are no 100% translations that ive been able to find TT if anyone knows where to find one then please post im getting to the point where im considering commissioning someone to do it Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1007726 There is no 100% finished translation. The guy who was doing the translation quit, but he left the details on how to translate it in the thread - which I never saved. >> [_] Anon 1007731 >commissioning someone to do it I already made an offer like that. Albeit it's only ten bux, but still. Also, I checked and the old thread is STILL up. Try it, it seemed to work for me: http://cgi.4chan.org/f/res/953071.html >> [_] Anon 1007771 this isn't even the newest version >> [_] Anon 1007945 Pure engrish 6/20/09 >> [_] sage sage 1007961 Are they going to translate it into good art?
File :[bleach circle eden.swf] - (3.5 MB) [_] [H] Anon 966286 /f/ needs some more [H] Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 966314 So when's 4.3 coming out? I want my x-ray and assraep. >> [_] Anon 966323 So you can't take off their clothes? >> [_] Anon 966339 >># Durrr, click on the clothes. >> [_] Anon 966343 YOUR CLOBES. GIB DEM TO ME. NAO. >> [_] Anon 966344 When are we going to get a fully translated version? >> [_] Grammar Nazi 966356 "My size is reset." I lol'd. >> [_] Anon 966382 >># You mean 4.4 because 4.3 is already out. >> [_] Anon 966441 The fuck. It's up AGAIN? This flash is fucking terrible. Every girl is in the same position. The legs look god awful. The faces look stupid. The art is FUCKING GARBAGE. Yet this abomination is posted every day, and people seem to like it. Why? The art is so terrible and the animations so basic that I can't comprehend how anyone can be aroused by this. I've seen dozens of other bleach hentai flashes, and this is pretty much the worst of them. Yet it seem to be the most popular. It fucking boggles the mind. >> [_] Anon 966460 >># Post some of the other ones then and I'll make sure people know about them instead of this one. Also, 5.0 is out. http://rs.4chan.org/?s=mayuri%205
File :[bleach circle eden.swf] - (3.5 MB) [_] [H] Just Win. Anon 959336 >> [_] Anon 959347 YES THANK YOU! i was trying to find the "translated" version of this. >> [_] Anon 959355 It's not even fully translated. >> [_] Anon 959360 *yawn* is 4.4 out yet? >> [_] Anon 959404 i like how i can fuck them through their clothes >> [_] Anon 959407 last I heard the guy stopped translating it. >> [_] Anon 959509 >># although the main guy down at Circle Eden was actually thinking about placing up a fully translated version, since he realised how many English speaking hentai lovers were downloading his shit. So he might come into terms and put up a english patch or it will be in 4.4. Just a little guess. Why not make more $$ selling more to the public? Although Japan hates it when us amerifags/britfags get their Hentai...
File :[bleach251135am.swf] - (3.5 MB) [_] [H] Did that guy ever finish translating this? Anon 952577 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 952594 i like how Yoruichi's all "I'm a cat, not a rabbit." full translation would be awesome >> [_] Anon 952615 >># Well... i could try, but i would need a program to decompile it. And of course... it would take some time. I know a bit of japanese, but definately not enough. >> [_] Anon 952629 The guy who was translating this quit. He stopped. Whined about it ruining his life or some shit. Theres an incomplete translation on SWFChan under the title FRESH. Someone could easily pick it up from there. >> [_] Anon 952652 >># yup, he quit after some (weeks? months?) of struggeling with his all so great wapanese-skillZ0r. So far it's not exactly better than some babelfish-translation though either. I'd let google eat it, try to make some sense and proper english out of the gibberish results and recompile it. (Hope the demo from adobe can do this). >> [_] Anon 952678 Nice flash. Wish it was ALL translated. >> [_] Anon 952679 >># So gimme a decompiler. I'll extract the text, convert it into romaji... and from that it's way easier for me to translate. >> [_] Anon 952681 >># lolwut >> [_] Anon 952683 Why go to all that trouble? Why not just substitute it with whatever you feel like? Not like most Anons would know the difference. >> [_] Anon 952685 I think he said he was using Trillix or some shit. =\ >> [_] Anon 952692 >># because what little there is already translated in this version is comedy gold. seriously, "i'll exploit my breasts to find the golden testicles"?! >> [_] Anon 952696 >># We can't really say he did since we don''t prove it was his own words >> [_] Anon 952702 >># I posted the last bit of the translation that he did before he quit. Or, according to >>#, since his imposter said he quit. >> [_] Anon 952705 >># SWF Decompiler. Look for a torrent or something. It gets the job done. >> [_] AceofWind 952706 I have the information from his last thread on how to do it on hentaipalm, you have to join though. http://forum.hentaipalm.com/showthread.p hp?t=40337 >> [_] AceofWind 952707 I'll try to post the information here. *****BLEACH GAME TRANSLATION CANCELLED***** Anon 947281 Original translator here. I am done. This project should have died when 7chan went down the first time. Instead I kept it alive long after it should have died. I ruined many things in my life focusing on trying to get this done. Now it is time to give up and never go near this again. If one of you want to translate it, the instructions will be in the next post. Flash not related, the last one I did is still in the system. >> [_] AceofWind 952708 To translate this game: you will need 1. Flasm (to disassemble the animation) http://flasm.sourceforge.net/ or check repositories in linux 2. An advanced text editor capable of displaying japanese characters.(I used Gedit in ubuntu.) 3. The swf file (called bleach.swf for simplicity) >> [_] AceofWind 952709 >> Anon 947314 How to do it: 1. Install/unzip flasm. 2. run flasm with the bleach swf (flasm bleach.swf) 3. This generates a file bleach.flm which is the decompiled flash. Open this file with the editor. 4. 99% of the text is in variables called "mytalk" searching for that word will bring you to the text faster. It is seperated by girl(orihime, yoruchi, soifon, rangku, nemu) and then seperated by condition (normal, drugged, pregnant, pregnant/drugged.) (Note: this means for each character there are 4 text banks, one for each condition) 5: Replace the japanese text between the ','s. >> [_] AceofWind 952712 >> a a 947316 I recommend you use replace all for larger sentence, as they repeat twice and need to be replaced everywhere before seeing efects. Translating sound effects leads to trouble(BEAN JAM.) (Note: You cannot use 's in your sentences as they separate the words.) This will take a while, you can use the bottom instructions to do daily builds as well as the final 6: after translating and saving, drag bleach.flm back to the flasm program. It will recompile the flash. 7:open bleach.swf, fap >> [_] AceofWind 952714 >> Anon 947317 Helpful tips: Changing anything but the text will cause the flash not to compile. Make sure you do not erase anything else. They say different things after getting wet / taking virginity/ using their mouth in addition to the drugs and pregnancy. The text that says "word_name_something" is actually part of a custom word list which is the last option available ingame. This will also work with 4.3 as (you just lost) the game.swf file just changes graphics pointers. Use that file to get the text. Menu text is hidden deeper in the coding. Good luck finding it. This is not an afternoon project or even a weekend one. It will take you a good week to do a single girl working nonstop unless you speak moonpeak natively. I recommend recompiling daily to catch a syntax error before you change too much and get lost trying to find where you erased one character too far. >> [_] Anon 952716 >># >># i take it that flasm is better at decompiling than sothink? the sothink decompiler ends up missing shapes or making them spike off into infinity >> [_] AceofWind 952717 That's all of the information I have copied. >> [_] Anon 952758 >># I saved the html file and that's basically all he wrote. >> [_] Anon 952797 fresh.swf is actually less translated than this
File :[bleach251135am.swf] - (3.5 MB) [_] [H] Anon 932840 Anyone have the latest in the translation project? Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Falcon 932865 Yes swfchan.com does. Look for the swf called "fresh" Still has work to be done. >> [_] Anon 933020 what the hell is the obsession with this? I mean sure I've fapped to it a couple of times too, but ya know its getting old, and silly translation won't make it any better. >> [_] Anon 933022 STOP FUCKING POSTING THIS. IT'S NOT EVEN THAT GOOD! >> [_] Anon 933063 >># Yes it is, and the translation makes it better. Not like there's anything worthwhile in /f/ aside from the porn anyway. >> [_] Anon 933070 >># There's a better one on fapchan. >> [_] Anon 933091 >># link?
File :[bleach251135am.swf] - (3.5 MB) [_] [H] Postan this again Anon 921853 >> [_] Anon 921867 Requestan this be translated again. >> [_] Anon 921876 >># ...it is. >> [_] Anon 921877 I'm going to exploit my breasts until I find the Golden Testicles. second to last girl, and use the shot on her. >> [_] Anon 921882 >># Finished translation, bro. Go check Nemu. >> [_] Anon 921897 >># That line gets funnier each time I read it. >> [_] Anon 921927 Nice. >> [_] Anon 921940 Titfuck? Okay. >> [_] Anon 921946 "How can I feed my baby with breasts this small?" >> [_] Anon 921973 >># Herp de derp derp de herp herp derp >> [_] Anon 921977 >># well, maybe that's her goal in life >> [_] Anon 922007 How do I stick it in their pooper? >> [_] Anon 922013 >># wait for a new version or learn flash and make it yourself >> [_] Anon 922045 >># The new version gets rid of the black-cock and replaces it with a sideview censored cock.
File :[bleach251135am.swf] - (3.5 MB) [_] [H] Did that guy last week finish translating this? Anon 916414 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 916419 It'll never be finished. It's just too much of a pain in the ass. >> [_] Anon 916420 sorry, no. the dialogue is like 5x longer than i expected lol. in fact, if you're somewhat competent at translating, i'd like to request your help. if you want to join the translation effort, my aim is boat1147 >> [_] Anon 916447 wow this flash sucks >> [_] Anon 916449 I don't get why you fags love this flash so much. TBQH, it's horrible. >> [_] Anon 916456 >># if it sucks so much, why not suggest something better instead of coming across as a bitch? >> [_] Core !JD2r9bRTlg 916521 >># Don't worry, were all willing to wait. (Well those of us who are interested in the game that is..) >> [_] Anon 916537 I'm going to exploit my breasts until I find the Golden Testicles. >> [_] Anon 916596 I'm very interested in a completed translation. :D >> [_] Anon 916597 I wish I knew Japanese. Even if the actual lines are made of fail sometimes you could put in some better ones. It'd be fun to write for the Bleach chicks. >> [_] Anon 916639 >># NO U >> [_] Anon 916642 Needs more engrish. >> [_] Anon 916696 To everyone that says this game sucks: It's not the quality that draws people, it's the content. Raping five different girls and dressing them up in assorted outfits is a lot more fun than a lot of things that /f/ freaks out with. >> [_] Anon 916708 Oh! My breasts are full of milk!
File :[bleach251135am.swf] - (3.5 MB) [_] [H] Anon 911990 Enjoy! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 911996 cum stain and ..pirate..ship..steering wheel .. button explanation please? >> [_] Anon 911997 >># sperm button as well >> [_] Anon 912000 Why does this version flip between Japanese and English? What the fuck is going on? Oh well. The rudder wheel is hymen toggle. The sperm is babby form toggle. Make sure you come inside at least once in order to toggle babby. >> [_] Anon 912005 sorry for taking so long! >># the reason it flips between Japanese and English is beacause it's a translation project that wasn't seen through. >> [_] Anon 912007 as i said last time, if someone can grab all the text and keep it organized by person and event i can translate it in about a week and mail the translations to them >> [_] Anon 912008 Order that they appear: Toggle blush Toggle tears Change nipple arousal Change areola color Toggle (your) Penor Toggle Virginity Inject arousal drug Accessories menu (not sure) Toggle pregnancy (after coming inside) Change hairstyle Change breast size Alter speech (I think) >> [_] Anon 912011 BEANJAM >> [_] Anon 912018 "I'm going to exploit my breasts until I find the Golden Testicles" >> [_] Anon 912021 THIS IS THE LEGEND THAT IS NOW EXTINCT >> [_] Anon 912022 why doesnt someone just translate it into something sexy...fuck actual translations itd take 5 minutes >> [_] Anon 912033 >># What? Too BEAN JAM for you? >> [_] Anon 912059 >># read >># >> [_] Anon 912078 wtf no buttons appear :O what am i doing wrong >> [_] Anon 912087 >># the options are at the top, retard. >> [_] Anon 912166 >># I was trying to find your address. Now that i have it again i will send it to you. >> [_] Anon 912167 >># Here it is in rapidshare form, but I will still email it http://rapidshare.com/files/204805255/ra wbleach.txt.html |