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Threads (5):
File[SHARKWITHWHEELSGAME_V2.swf] - (170 KB) [_] [G] A classic: The movie: The game Anon 1642455 ANYWAY YOU WANT IT Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1642464 >Not having all 4 open at the same time while playing this Casuals gonna casual. >> [_] Anon 1642568 yes
File[SHARKWITHWHEELSGAME_V2.swf] - (170 KB) [_] [G] Anon 1215300 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1215504 that was amazing >> [_] Anon 1215551 EXCELLENTE >> [_] lolguy 1215605 188 fuckers >> [_] Anon 1215615 brb having a seizure >> [_] Anon 1215660 gave me seizures
File :[SHARKWITHWHEELSGAME_V2.swf] - (170 KB) [_] [G] try getting to the solo. Anon 980814 tell me how much you sucked. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 980851 stfu OP. >> [_] Anon 980862 in before OMG SEIZUREZ >> [_] Anon 980870 I'm surprised the same song was included. Nice. 212 btw. >> [_] Anon 980874 have yet to get to the solo's. damn near impossible. >> [_] Anon 980916 >># this >> [_] Anon 980986 237 and from there on it loops >> [_] Anon 981013 v2 doesn't have the full song, gotta play v1 to get to the solo... >> [_] Anon 981024 whats the name of the song?? >> [_] Anon 981030 I M HAVN AN EPELEPTIK SEIZURE OV EPIK PROPORSHUNZ >> [_] Anon 981112 >># lol are you fucking serious? its any way you want it.
File :[SHARKWITHWHEELSGAME_V2.swf] - (170 KB) [_] [G] Faster, brighter, and sharkier! Anon 973919 Should load faster and play better. Native resolution is 400x300. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] hurr !!aphIqhGyZbk 973926 can't get a score over 80, but would love to finish the song. >> [_] Anon 973931 >># Spoiler: The full song isn't in this one. I cut it down to only a loop of the first minute (and really shitty quality) to keep the filesize as small as possible. >> [_] Anon 973969 ahaha 187 >> [_] Anon 973981 141 is my best >> [_] Anon 973983 239 :D woot >> [_] Anon 973984 >># its 202 >> [_] Anon 973991 anyone knnow where i could download this game or how i can get it off here without it corrupting... iused my swf catcher app to save it, and when i go to play it, it loops all the screens and it unplayable. >> [_] Anon 973994 >># its 231 >> [_] Anon 974000 253 niggas >> [_] Anon 974008 697 PROTIP: If you close the window down but keep it wide, you can see the rocks coming in from offscreen. >> [_] Anon 974010 My high score is in the millions. Ya rly. I took a screenshot and everything. >> [_] Anon 974020 easy: just go for as high as possible hard: stay at the front the entire time nightmare: use your nose to move >> [_] Anon 974072 >># right click, save as >> [_] Anon 974083 ITS OVER 9000! >> [_] Anon 974098 the flashing is obnoxious >> [_] Anon 974102 i got 43. this game has too large hitboxes :/ >> [_] Anon 974108 ANY WAY YOU WANT IT, THAT'S THE WAY YOU NEED IT >> [_] Anon 974111 >># AAAAAAAAAANY WAY YOU WAAAAANT IT >> [_] Anon 974130 >># like i said, it doesnt work... it loops through all the screens.. not playable
File :[Mini_SWW.swf] - (170 KB) [_] [G] >># Better Shark with Wheels Version! Anon 925065 Author here, this one should be slightly less blinding, load faster, and be a bit less buggy. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 925101 IS DIS TOUHOU?! >> [_] Anon 925247 >># It's better, faggot. >> [_] Anon 925258 I got 249 because I got fed up with the constant laginesss that make the rocks speed up and slow down erratically, so I just smashed my face into one of them. >> [_] Anon 925301 ANYWAY YOU WANT IT THATS THE WAY YOU NEED IT ANYWAY YOU WANT IT >> [_] Anon 925308 Go Go Epileptic Fits >> [_] Anon 925315 This is the greatest thing I have seen in my life. >> [_] Anon 925325 278 |