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Threads (1):
File :[test6.swf] - (74 KB) [_] [H] Yotsuba! v0.2 Fred Dawes !wXBCLb7Cpw 943717 Decided to contribute. Posting FLA ASAP. Enjoy. *Debugging shit was left intentionally visible. *Yotsuba enjoys pictures, by the way, and you have infinite film. >> [_] Anon !qyMBV48RtA 943719 zomg, looks great. I can't thank you enough for your help. >> [_] Anon 943720 It's unplayable. Had to right-click to advance. D: Looks good though. >> [_] Anon 943722 >># That's because it's still in development. >> [_] Fred Dawes !wXBCLb7Cpw 943734 Shirt removable at 20 Pants removable at 50 Panties removable at 70 >># Not broken. >> [_] Anon 943736 INTERNET FUCKING SUPERHERO >> [_] Anon !qyMBV48RtA 943738 >># Thank's again. If you want some kind of credit I can write your name somewhere in the flash. But notice that this flash is probably illelgal in terms of copyright. >> [_] A Day in the Life Fred Dawes !wXBCLb7Cpw 943743 >># It's fine by me. It's not my real name anyway. I'd be more than glad to help again, if I catch you on /f/. As of now, it's time for Dystopia. Peace. >> [_] Anon !qyMBV48RtA 943746 >># Ok, then I see you next time. >> [_] Anon 943752 >># not exactly...illegal, if you don't make money off of it...that is if you distribute it as a parody there's nothing that can be done in the AMERICAN courts However, laws differ from place to place, and zone gets away with his/her flashes that you normally have to pay to see. >> [_] Anon !qyMBV48RtA 943758 >># I'm not planing on selling it in any way. That's also why I make the fla available for everyone who wants to help/edit it. It just pissed me off that this game wasn't real. But I wasn't sure if it was legal, since I riped off some (or at the moment most) parts of the Yotsuba Hentai Game (the one where you get Corey rolled). >> [_] Anon 943765 >># Nigger. >> [_] Anon 943779 tHIS FLASH MAKES MY MOUSE CURSOR BLINK WHEN LOOKING AT OTHER TABS IN oPERA, AND VANISH ENTIRELY ON ITS OWN TAB. Also caps. >> [_] Anon 943784 COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE COREY IN THE HOUSE >> [_] Fred Dawes !wXBCLb7Cpw 943794 >># I'm a hack you computer. :P >> [_] Anon 943808 >># Same, here. But i'm using furryfox. >> [_] Anon 943834 To the OP, here's a (very) quick shop of how you could redraw her to look more like a girl. Just my two cents. yotsubafixerupper4.jpg >> [_] Anon 943837 lol i applaud that you actually are making this game real. though i wish you'd redraw the face, looks like she is a blind chink, huge turnoff. 99% of what is yotsuba is her face. and fix the extra blackness that is there from the decompiler (her hair). and start naming the flash files better. this one should be "Yotsuba! v0.2.swf" instead of "test6.swf" >> [_] Anon !qyMBV48RtA 943840 >># Not OP of this thread, but the one mainly making this flash here. I saved the pic and considre to apply those changes. >> [_] Anon 943844 >># >But notice that this flash is probably illelgal in terms of copyright. oh my god.. you make it sound like you're trying to make money from this. seriously though, fuck copyright. yarr harr >> [_] Anon 943845 While I'm at it, animated version to compare the horribly quick shop to the original: =yotsubafixeruppergif.gif >> [_] Anon 943846 >># UBOA >> [_] Anon 943851 Yeah that redrawn one looks better. less masculine torso and has nice curves/hips. I say look at some drawings of other lolicon pictures for reference. >> [_] Anon 943854 >># have you ever seen a naked six year old girl? there are no curves. here's a better image: now that's yotsuba koiwai >> [_] Anon 943856 >># you too, there should be NO curves. six year olds haven't got developed thighs yet. if you want curves you shouldnt do yotsuba. >> [_] Anon 943893 -100% corey comes in and slaps the dick out of her mouth >> [_] Anon 943950 Someone in the other thread wanted to know some flash tutorial sites. Since it 404'd I just post them here. ign1.php >> [_] Anon 943982 >># Yeah, corey should definitely be incorporated as a joke somewhere. Maybe if you let the meter go too low or if you try to skip right to the sexors or something. |