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Threads (1):
File :[ToneMatrix.swf] - (86 KB) [_] [?] physteria !3GqYIJ3Obs 952031 A favorite flash of mine... >> [_] Anon 952038 ....i'm going to play with this for the next 2 hours, be back later >> [_] Anon 952047 HOLY SHIT THIS IS AWESOME I wish I could make an entire song with this and have it change instead of just one loop >> [_] Anon 952052 Damn this is cool. >> [_] Anon 952068 what, no copy/paste function? somebody post that version >> [_] Anon 952108 Somebody post the one with cool visual effetcs >> [_] Anon 952111 copy and paste version is here: oneMatrix.swf >> [_] Anon 952220 This shit's crazy when you have 3-4 going at the same time. I've got one doing a sweet beat, another complementing it because it started on the in-between beats, and a third just going up and back down the scale. >> [_] Anon 952223 what the fuck its just a black screen >> [_] Anon 952254 Spell "FUCK" one line down from the top. 3x5 letters with one column apart, the "U" is 4x8 Now that's a swear with rhythm >> [_] Anonymous. 952313 1,10 2,13 6 3,11 6,14 9,16 6 14 4, 6, 10, 15 None 2 8, 13 5 6, 13 2, 7, 12 4, 11 >> [_] Anon 952316 Omfg.....This is insane! I tried on the first one, and got a really soft little beat. And then I just started pressing random buttons on the 2nd one and it sounds freaking amazing! It's so simple...But so brilliant! FOOKIN SAVED! >> [_] Anomalous 952317 Saved! >> [_] Anon 952330 >># I gave all letters a max of 3 spaces length to work with. Wrote fuck one line below the start, then skipped a line and put shit under it. It's beautiful. >> [_] Anon 952331 this... was probably the best flash iv ever seen. >> [_] Anon 952335 is dis sum troll flash >> [_] Anon 952343 OH FUCK CANT STOP >> [_] Anon 952348 It's....beautiful >> [_] Anon 952353 This should be sticky'd. It's that great. >> [_] Anonymous. 952375 >># My personal favorite Fuck-related art music, to be pasted into >># 126976,20480,4096,114696,65576,115720,10 40,115776,82944,82440 4;552,127240,16528,106496,0,65536 >> [_] Anon 952379 Best thing on /f/ in a while. >> [_] Anon 952381 oh no.... this spawned almost 100 replies the last time, and not one "song" worthy its salt. cant make shit in this thing >> [_] Anon 952382 >># Go to bed, grandpa. >> [_] Anon 952419 >># i am in bed but you damn kids keep waking me with your flashes that arent that good |