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Threads (1):
File :[493571_PICO09as2.swf] - (7.75 MB) [_] [?] Happy Pico day! Anon 971062 So what was up with yesterday? Another DDoS attack?? Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 971063 Get this Jewgrounds shit out of here >> [_] Anon 971072 I'm sorry, I shouldn't have uploaded original content! Also, major props to you for rhyming new with jew. penis. >> [_] Anon 971079 put newgrounds related shit on newgrounds. No one cares here. If we did, we wouldn't be on /f/, we would be there. >> [_] Anon 971084 >># you definitely must be new here >> [_] Anon 971098 >># >jew >> [_] Anon 971161 this is better if you pretend its a little girl instead of a little boy like the artist that made the ending music, cant remember the name of him right now >> [_] Anon 971176 I never liked Pico. His car was too slow and didn't handle well. >> [_] Anon 971178 Also, shit sucks. >> [_] Anon 971207 I thought I was going to see something from Boku no Pico. Needless to say I am disappoint. >> [_] Anon 971259 >># this post would be much more appropriate for the pico mentioned in >># >> [_] Anon 971304 What's the name of the song at the end? >> [_] Anon 971323 Pico sucks. Personally I prefer vim or emacs. >> [_] Anon 971325 Oh wow, I uploaded this ages ago and it's still here. Fuck, I'm drunk I think. I've uploaded 11 beers into my liver. So bored dudes. |