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Threads (7):
File: (^_^).swf-(702 KB, 550x400, Loop) [_] Census results Anon 3491079 Final count of the 2022 census: 54 NAKED MEN https://archive.4plebs.org/f/thread/3490 951/ 2021: 113 naked men https://archive.4plebs.org/f/thread/3465 945/#3465945 2020: 44 naked men https://archive.4plebs.org/f/thread/3427 580/ 2019: 62 naked men https://archive.4plebs.org/f/thread/3392 816/ This is a big drop from last year. 2021's thread was alive for 62 hours and received 113 unique posters. This year's thread was alive for 68 hours and received half that amount. Now some secondary census questions: How many years have you been browsing /f/? Have you made any OCs? How many? Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3491080 >alive for 68 hours >only 54 IPs WEW LADS >How many years have you been browsing /f/? 8 >Have you made any OCs? Only edits. But sometimes I dig up rare flashes that haven't been archived yet. >> [_] MrFreeware 3491086 >># I'm more wondering why 2021 got so many unique replies. >How many years have you been browsing /f/? ~6 (mostly just lurked around) Have you made any OCs? How many? https://archive.4plebs.org/f/thread/3488 803#3488882 >> [_] Anon 3491088 I've browsed uhh a while I did not respond to the census >> [_] Anon 3491089 On another note how do I make an OC? No idea if flash is even still available >> [_] MrFreeware 3491090 >># Flash became unavailable quite a long time ago. Here is a download for Flash CS6: https://archive.4plebs.org/f/thread/3478 992/#3479003 >> [_] Anon 3491091 >># >4plebs down too well shit >> [_] MrFreeware 3491092 >># had the thread still open. here's the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1th9gmD4 dEra3I9JvDSQZidq10h6TEG6y/view >> [_] Anon 3491093 >># I made a guide called "how 2 loop (a guide for slowpokes).swf" that would get you started, but swfchan is down and 4plebs is down and now /f/ won't let me upload big files. WHAT IS HAPPENING >> [_] MrFreeware 3491094 >># >># https://a.uguu.se/gbqatzXn.swf >> [_] Anon 3491095 Since about 2011 I've made some stupid Orin loops and a couple other things here and there but I'm not as skilled with flash as I wish I was. Getting old is a bitch and I don't have much time to learn and what I do learn is quickly forgotten. >> [_] Anon 3491097 thank god 4plebs is back up, which can't be said about swfchan ;_; >># and yeah there's a password for it /F/LAGSHIP >> [_] Anon 3491099 >># Since this year, basically. Never made any OC, to be honest I'm not that interested. Flash is cool but it feels like it's a dead format, so if I were to make some content I'd probably make it with some other software. Well, I'm not the type of person who does artistic creations anyways, so maybe this doesn't matter much. I still enjoy some recent flashes, so it's not like my position is shared by everyone. >> [_] Anon 3491101 >Have you made any OCs? How many? A couple. I made a music video back in February. >> [_] Anon 3491105 >How many years have you been browsing /f/? been browsing since least 2009. >Have you made any OCs? How many? lost count of how much content I've made for /f/. But the edits and OC I've done people seem to like because they keep getting posted like the osaka faces and meet and fuck with the trip tollbooth song. >> [_] Anon 3491107 >># up again next week, hopefully >> [_] Anon 3491124 RIP naked mens >>>/pol/410309809 predictions for next year don't look so good with the current replacement rate >> [_] Anon 3491131 >How many years have you been browsing /f/? A year and a half. According to my browser history, I visited 8 threads on 2018-12-08, 4 threads on 2019-10-23, 4 threads on 2021-01-13 and started lurking daily in June of 2021. >Have you made any OCs? How many? I've made a few funny animations for my boys on Discord, but have only shared enphoso.swf here. Flash 8 is horribly janky, but less so than Inkscape of today. I've used it in favor of GIMP, Inkscape, pen and paper etc. to sketch out an animatic and a GUI because it's very natural to just drag stuff around in it and sync with a soundtrack. >> [_] Anon 3491132 >># Nearly 5 years. Never made OC unfortunately, I just never got into it. I hope the rest of you /f/aggots have a good new year though. Just finishing off mine, so I'm pretty drunk. I hope yours went just as well. >> [_] Anon 3491134 >># thats cool and all but what in the fuck is a keygen and where do I find it >> [_] Anon 3491136 How many years have you been browsing /f/? Since 2010 about...so 13? Have you made any OCs? How many? Nope, always said I would but never have. >> [_] Anon 3491137 >># got the whole keygen thing working, but the offline activation code doesnt. Just says its invalid >> [_] Anon 3491138 >># >How many years have you been browsing /f/? 4 years now, sweet jebus... >Have you made any OCs? How many? no, regrettably. also, can someone share daily dose .swf? I have to remember to thank my doctor. >> [_] Anon 3491139 >># keep going for the sake of the craft. you can do it you /f/ag >> [_] Anon 3491148 >># Please no forgor abouz mee!
File: (^_^).swf-(702 KB, 550x400, Loop) [_] Lurk Moar Anon 3377717 god i miss when this was standard advice on this website
File: (^_^).swf-(702 KB, 550x400, Loop) [_] tfw Anon 3178083 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3178282 Is that sprite from a PS1 game? Does anyone know? It looks familiar.
File[loli_rape_loop.swf] - (719 KB) [_] [H] Anon 1201237 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1201277 Rape'd lolis not deliverd, saged. >> [_] Anon 1201433 U not deliver raped loli. u lurk moar so u find dem. u trewl >> [_] Anon 1201508 I came >> [_] Anon 1201509 Obviously you should lurk more because I can still fap to this shit >> [_] Anon 1201512 it almost looks like they are going to touch each other. I fapped anyway
File[loli_rape_loop.swf] - (719 KB) [_] [H] Anon 1161521 >> [_] Anon 1161600 I like this one better. >> [_] Anon 1161613 sauce >> [_] Anon 1161623 SEIZURGGGRLGRLGRGRLGLRLR
File[(^_^).swf] - (719 KB) [_] [L] FIX THE FILE SIZE LIMIT FFS Anon 1148799 Just sent an email to admin about the file size limit, lets hope it works >> [_] Anon 1148876 whats sauce? >> [_] Anon 1148907 u win internets for life op >> [_] Anon 1148923 what the name of this song? >> [_] Anon 1148925 what the name of that song? >> [_] Q 1148932 Kotoko - Agony Newfags. >> [_] Anon 1148934 thanks fag >.< >> [_] Anon 1148991 the original version of this flash is better JUST SO YOU ALL KNOW >> [_] Anon 1149003 not sure what all the faggot crying about file size limits is about... I see multiple megabyte files, how large does it fucking need to be?
File :[(^_^).swf] - (719 KB) [_] [L] KAWAII!!!!!! Anon 972104 Haha lolz Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 972162 trying to start a meme? >> [_] Anon 972182 >># ... Best be joking, nigger. >> [_] Anon 972185 ITT we weed out newfags >> [_] Anon 972222 i've seen kawaiier >> [_] Anon 972226 lol >> [_] Anon 972276 Well that was random as hell... >> [_] Anon 972321 This is something more newfags need to see and learn >> [_] Anon 972340 OH SHI, IT'S... IT'S LIKE A BACTERIA, IT SPLIT INTO TWO COPIES OF ITSELF! >> [_] Anon 972354 WHY ARE THERE TWO OF THEM?!? >> [_] Anon 972355 A must-see for all u newfags out there. |