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Threads (6):
File[Another_Locked_Girl.swf] - (7.8 MB) [_] [A] FUCK YOU ITS THURSDAY Anon 1679566 >> [_] Anon 1679586 That isn't how I remember EoSD, fuck patchy and her non-directional lasers. >> [_] Anon 1679646 Troll flash instead of this shit would be an improvement. >> [_] tripfag !QsG9690a9Q 1679682 Sauce on song plz
File[IOSYSanother locked girl.swf] - (7.8 MB) [_] [J] other touhou Dragoon 1564708 again, for those who like the music but dont give a shit about the games. Marked for deletion (old).
File[touhou - another locked girl.swf] - (7.8 MB) [_] [J] /r/ first locked girl Anon 1157362 There was another Touhou music video that had a locked girl by the same band, but it had the pictures drawn as the video was playing and the locked girl was crying so much that she was flooding the room. Youtube doesn't have it anymore. Does anyone have it?
File[touhou - another locked girl.swf] - (7.8 MB) [_] [J] Anon 1084083
File[touhou - another locked girl.swf] - (7.8 MB) [_] [J] ?_? Anon 1068269 >> [_] Anon 1068331 I like the differences/added things in this version of Locked Girl
File :[touhou - another locked girl.swf] - (7.8 MB) [_] [J] alternate version of locked girl PV Anon 975607 fixed fps/sync issue >> [_] Anon 975650 what is it is it an anime? >> [_] Anon 975651 lyrics plz >> [_] Anon 975674 What's so "another" about it? Sure some stuff is changed but its pretty much the same. >> [_] Anon 975677 >># DEFINITELY NOT A NEWFAG, ALSO CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL. >> [_] Anon 975691 >># it's just "another" because there's already a bunch of them. still, d'awwww Patchouli, happy ;_; >> [_] Anon 975760 >># You're on the Internet. It takes 5 minutes to find them. |