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Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 9/5 -2009 12:00:54 Ended: 10/5 -2009 02:48:46Flashes: 1 Posts: 13
File :[oh god what just happened down there.swf] - (986 KB)
[_] [H] Anon 976709 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 976722 I think it's supposed to be him shitting his diaper, but it just looks like it magically unfolds off of him.
>> [_] Anon 976727 burn it in hell
>> [_] Anon 976733 you killed my boner you dank tuft of rectal pubic hair.
>> [_] sage Anon 976790 yiff in hell furfaggot
>> [_] Anon 976801 >># Oh, we will.
>> [_] Anon 976804 See, usually I'm not against furries, and I've fapped to the straight furry stuff plenty of times, so generally I avoid saying this as much as possible... but... Yiff in hell, furfag. And I mean now. Kill yourself.
>> [_] Anon 976806 >># yiff in hell furfag
>> [_] Anon 976816 It's kind of funny, when you think about it. If there's actually a hell to go to, then it's sure to be a prime vacationing spot for Anons. But of course it'll already be populated by vast numbers of furfags. ... AND THEY'LL ALL BE YIFFING.
>> [_] Anon 976839 >># if there is a hell, as defined in the religions, everybody would go there except a very very VERY few number of people who everybody else hate
>> [_] Anon 976870 >># So the Jooz control heaven now, too? ...typical.
>> [_] Anon 976887 >># are you trying to say that jews control heaven?
>> [_] Anon 976907 >># Wtf nah even though he fucking said they controlled it Gtfo unnoticing furfag
Created: 9/5 -2009 02:15:36 Last modified: 24/4 -2019 10:25:04 Server time: 03/01 -2025 01:18:30