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Threads (1):
File :[StreetRape02.avi.swf] - (5.4 MB) [_] [H] part 2 niggers Anon 991840 ( 23 mins long video) Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 991846 good quality >> [_] Anon 991855 hmm you digust me. also i hope you get caught. good day. *tips hat* >> [_] Ninja of the Night !!TUaj/tGoikW 991856 cant see shit too pixelated >> [_] Anon 991857 obviously fake Visible camera flashes from multiple directions means too many people involved for this to be real without someone talking and getting everyone busted. >> [_] Anon 991858 Fake though still pretty creepy >> [_] Anon 991859 >># who knows it might be taht rare hidden gem real rape u see every nao and then >> [_] Anon 991863 Japan's a pretty fucked up place, I have heard rumors of a video where a 13 year old japanese girl was kidnapped and raped to death by several guys. And after she was dead they kept raping her. No idea if that's true. But gang rape like this does happen in Japan, frequently enough. Could be real, but probably not. >> [_] Anon 991866 Hope u get a painful death! u motherfucker! >> [_] Anon 991867 >># may be rare...but it's no "gem" if so, our prisons would be full of valuable treasure and we'd be the richest country in the world alas... >> [_] Anon 991881 it's fake >> [_] Anon 991891 I need part 3+ for fapping purposes. >> [_] Anon 991893 KICK 'EM IN THE NUTS OR FACE OR... SOMETHING!!! >> [_] Anon 991894 >Japanese Rape Video >Japanese Yeah, I'm calling staged. >> [_] Anon 991899 If it isn't fake, she's fucking retarded to the point of deserving it. She's barely struggling at all. The most she does is wiggle and slap him playfully. Not exactly deterring. She has plenty of opportunity to bite, scratch, knee him in the balls, gouge his eyes out, etc. I mean, yeah, she certainly didn't deserve the initial attack, but she deserves everything that happened after that because she isn't giving her all to resist them. >> [_] Anon 991903 >># Also, the moans and "protests" she makes that are straight from Japanese porn. Seriously, listening to the audio without the video, I wouldn't have known it was "rape". THAT'S gonna stop them, sure. >> [_] Osaka 991913 she isn't resisting enough girls here in the US would kick your ass before you had that chance and agreed part 3 needed for fapping purposes >> [_] Anon 991925 >># hey now. It's not rape if she's dead. >> [_] Anon 991928 ... D: >> [_] Anon 991929 Of course its fake. >> [_] Anon 991937 I sure hope you're going to post the last 7 parts, or even better, just upload them all to /rs/ or something. >> [_] noko 991938 I don't really care if this is real nor do I care if it's any good I just want to SEE it Because I can't see SHIT >> [_] Anon 991943 >># Check on snopes? That sounds just awful. >> [_] Anon 991946 >># You should check out the "concrete encased schoolgirl" case. That one's pretty awesome >> [_] Anon 991952 >># What is one small girl going to do to a bunch of angry and horny guys when she fights back? She knows that is just going to get her beaten or her throat slit. >> [_] Anon 991974 still fucked up. even if it is staged. >> [_] Anon 992012 obviously fake due to photography flashes >> [_] Anon 992075 >># wat the fuck japan >> [_] Anon 992081 >># downloading now http://rs155.rapidshare.com/files/480126 15/Schoolgirl_in_Concrete.zip this better be as good as i hope it is. im into guro so i have high standards >> [_] Anon 992087 >># You're into guro, yet you haven't read that? you're a disgrace. But remember, that guro manga is based on a real event. >> [_] Anon 992094 >># Grow a pair. If you don't fight oppression with everything you have, you deserve the consequences. Life and Freedom aren't guaranteed, you have to defend them every day. >> [_] Anon 992103 >># god damn it, it was a manga. thought it would be a real video. :/ oh well >> [_] Anon 992108 There are plenty of women who have defended themselves from would-be rapists. >> [_] Anon 992118 >># i felt bad after reading this. maybe i don't belong on 4chan. :| >> [_] Anon 992131 >># leave NOW. this is not a fucking joke, do not come here again if you know what's good for you. if you still have that kind of thought in your head it is still not too late >> [_] Anon 992133 >># of course, then there are plenty that hasn't >># so what's the author of that? >> [_] Anon 992136 >># cool stuf brah im not really on guro but that was good >> [_] Anon 992148 >># meh it's not like i haven't seen worse stuff, idk. just this one makes me a little weird. maybe cause it actually happened irl. >> [_] Anon 992163 >># You are seriously fucking retarded. >> [_] Anon 992172 >># You mean this case? Though she was 16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junko_Furuta >> [_] Anon 992173 this makes me a little sad =( >> [_] Anon 992197 This thread, oddly enough, gives me hope for the world. >> [_] Anon 992205 >># Put together a coherent argument, next time. Such crude ad hominem only weakens your stance. But really, I'm curious. For what conceivable reason would you submit to anyone that would have their way with you? To avoid being hurt worse than what the attacker already had in mind? Such an attitude simply invites further harm by emboldening an attacker with feelings of confidence and control. To avoid being killed? More than 90% of sexual assaults are cut short by resistance from the victim. Less than 1% of successful rapes end in murder. Those odds are clearly in favor of self defense. The only reason I can think of is cowardice. For a bit of ad hominem of my own, where are you from that has bred such a complacent mindset? |