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This is resource CW8RRCJ, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:13/4 -2012 07:01:25

Ended:19/10 -2012 04:18:11

Checked:19/10 -2012 05:11:35

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 3.
Discovered flash files: 2

There are 1 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 less than the discovered amount of flash files).

/ > /show/ > Thread 1035

Age: 181.96d   Health: 0%   Posters: 1   Posts: 3   Replies: 0   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 13apr2012(fr)05:08 No.3453 OP P1

The second (and final) episode of the series.

Imagine if all those creative people that makes the good shows that air on TV actually bothered to
make a flash episode, even once in their life. There would be a lot of good entertainment on the
net. You'd think there would be more since they would have creative freedome and no censorhip on
the net as they undoubtably have on TV, but if there's no real money in it I guess there won't ever
be a lot of decent flash animations online.

[IMG] Princess_episode_2_by_Trey_Parker_and_Matt_Stone.swf (1.1 MiB)
400x300, Uncompressed. 2616 frames, 15 fps (02:54).
Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: No.

>> Anonymous 13apr2012(fr)05:14 No.3455 OP P2

The History Behind The Shorts

On December 8, 1999 Daily Variety reported that Trey and Matt were going to make 39 shorts of
lengths between 2 and 5 munutes. The shorts were to introduce characters and storylines for the
fans and determine from fan reaction which ones make it to the series and/or any future movies, as
well as to other forms of entertainment (games, puzzles, etc.). In January 2000, in Entertainment
Weekly, Trey and Matt said that the shorts will not be related to South Park after all. They were
going to try new stuff, weird stuff. They were to have full artistic control, which meant no
restrictions from Macromedia or the FCC. In February Alta Vista: Live! reports that Stone and
Parker, who were set to debut their show in March, now seem to be at least a month behind schedule.
The duo are looking for real estate near Marina del Rey, Calif., to house some computers and serve
as headquarters for the show. Explains Stone, "We're in a ramp-up period." On March 22 and 23 there
was concern about the
content in the first short Trey and Matt sent to Shockwave, but Macromedia said it didn't mind the
content. The concern is over the audience the shorts will be presented to. It said the shorts will
be for adults only, and will not be edited. Since then, nothing more has been heard of those
shorts, though Macromedia has established several regions to visit on its site.

January 9, 2004 - On this day Mr. Hankey linked to an article from TV Barn that sheds more light on
this abortion:

The result was "Princess." Drawn in the style of a pre-school children's cartoon, "Princess" is
about a lap dog who observes the adult-sometime very "adult"-world around her. The sexual content
was so extreme that production on the "webisodes" was halted early on and has never been seen in
any medium.

Shocked includes clips from the two completed shorts, as well as original interviews with Stone,
Parker, and the Shockwave executives who were there.

Clips from the two completed shorts will be included in Shocked, TRIO's 30-minute original
documentary (a parable of the age), as well as original interviews with Stone, Parker, and
the Shockwave executives who were there. The documentary is produced for TRIO by World's End
Television. Gregor Cameron is the Executive Producer. Shocked premieres on Sunday, March 7 at
9:00-9:30 p.m., ET/PT.

They were made available to fans the day after they aired, March 8, 2004. If you see these on a
side which earns its income on ads, leave that site and come back here.


>> Anonymous 13apr2012(fr)06:05 No.3457 OP P3

Here's the related clip from that documentary mentioned in the last post. Has an interview with
Trey and Matt.

>Shocked--The Story Behind "Princess"
Created: 13/4 -2012 07:01:25 Last modified: 13/12 -2012 01:25:00 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:36:03