File[Ilala_v1.2-uncen.swf] - (174 KB)
[_] [H] Ilala v1.2 Uncensored properly. Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)19:55 No.1690359
Ilala 1.2 Uncensored.
The easiest settings to play on are 1,5,5 (Resistance, Pleasure, Endurance)
Start slow, rub her face, neck cheeks or ears to soften her up and lower her guard.
You can remove her stockings.
You can move the straps of her top to the side and then pull it down.
You can lift her skirt and pull her panties off.
She can have 2 types of orgasm: Blue stars are from touch and Pink are from sex.
If she has 5 pink orgasms she will tear up, if you do it again she will break and lose all will
to resist. You can now fuck her senseless and remove any remaining clothes.
Don't forget to use the "cool" button if you're about to cum. She won't like that untill you've
broken her will.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)20:28 No.1690376
fuck this game
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)20:34 No.1690380
yeah fuck this, i can barely open her legs it's too hard!!! any advice?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)20:43 No.1690382
do i have to keep my mouse button down when i find a good spot or do i just wildy click?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)20:54 No.1690389
this is like the hardest H game ever
give some advice please, i get to open her legs and put up one of her arms but then i suddenly
get back to the start
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)21:02 No.1690397
where should i click to remove her stockings?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)21:26 No.1690408
Again, here is a video I made on getting to the sex part in less than three minutes.
>> [_] s 06/02/12(Sat)21:32 No.1690410
I tried applying the zero resistance hack onto this version just now. Works, but with the same
graphical glitches that plagued what was put up earlier. I'm curious as to whether it was because
of an outdated version of Flash CS... I'll try using the latest version in due time and see if
this silly dilemma can be defeated.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)21:37 No.1690411
There already exist a hack for an earlier version.
>> [_] s 06/02/12(Sat)21:41 No.1690414
>Earlier version.
...Yeah. If what was done to that can be done to this version with the little things they tossed
in like that meter, that would pretty much call this a wrap never to be fixed again.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)21:41 No.1690415
Getting to the sex isn't that hard once you know what to do (rubbing doesn't involve clicking the
mouse, the legs and hands move easily but have small hitboxes etc). It's this will breaking part
the OP mentioned - either he's excluded an important detail or he's full of shit. I got over ten
pink orgasms and nothing. Haven't worked out how to get a blue one without her freaking out.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)21:44 No.1690416
I could do everything just fine. Thanks for this.
>> [_] s 06/02/12(Sat)21:55 No.1690421
Just attempted the fix with CS5... graphics still glitch out. This is such a pain in the arse
because the changes are dead easy to implement but somewhere down the line something breaks.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)22:01 No.1690426
i can't press anything? nothing i do works..
>> [_] s 06/02/12(Sat)22:02 No.1690427
Just as I thought, the graphics are breaking in the conversion to FLA so it could be edited. If
some kind bastard would be kind enough as to drop linkage to a decompilation that isn't broken
that would be... a thing, to say the least.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)22:24 No.1690437
This game is utter crap.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)22:30 No.1690441
I'm having better luck with the kids I pick up at kindergarten than this girl. What am I supposed
to do to make her stop pushing me off as soon as I nudge her breasts, panties or straps for her
Right now I just got her skirt rolled up. Where do I go from here?
Why is there no rape option?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)22:42 No.1690448
is there a way to change hands?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)22:50 No.1690453
I've got a clean view of her vagina, but I have no idea how to put my penis in there
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)23:00 No.1690461
anyone know what the z x & c buttons do once you've 'clocked' her (ie, she stops resisting). Z
seems to toggle something no and off but can't really see what they do
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)23:08 No.1690463
When the penis eventually fully appears, hold the space key and click and hold it to penetrate
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)23:20 No.1690470
There is a sweet spot on her chin and if you rub it without clicking she smiles and gets happy,
same for cheeks and ears and neck
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)23:21 No.1690472
Keep going back to "reassure her" by rubbing her face and cheeks this game is so easy to do
everything in it's not even funny. Be gentle /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 06/02/12(Sat)23:32 No.1690478
honestly need fucking meters and stuff or something, I can't fucking tell if she's calm or not.
Got the stockings off, shoulder straps are up to her arms.
I constantly go from her chin/ears and back to stuff - but im not getting anywhere. And she
constantly just breaths heavily and shows no indication of calming down.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/12(Sun)01:03 No.1690485
This doesn't work for me. It also seems her resistance just rises automatically over time, I got
her skirt up, panties off, spent 20 minutes (wish I were kidding) trying to get the second strap
of her top to one side, and after that point, just touching her knees at all made her go into
auto 'hands off'. That's right, she gets harder to get to as time goes on.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/12(Sun)01:27 No.1690494
just gotta work fast is all. It took me a while but I figured it all out-- I'm going to try
converting this to an FLA and doing some TL work, and better explain the game's mechanics. No
need for some shitty no-resistance hacked version, honestly, just a bit of clarification. (Well,
maybe I can tweak a couple of the timers too to smooth things out a bit)
>> [_] Repost-chan 06/03/12(Sun)01:42 No.1690502
>Choose 5, 1, 5 at the beginning
>Pull at her arms OR legs (don't get greedy) and remove one article of clothing
>Don't take no for an answer and just keep pulling at her limbs/clothes. Don't mess with rubbing
her cheek.
>Finger her until your peepee starts poking out, then use spacebar (I think, going off memory) to
put it in her.
>Finger her moar. She'll start seeing stars when she's about to cum.
>Try and time your orgasm with hers or she'll push you out.
>Beat off with the frustration of billion suns, because you are man.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/12(Sun)01:46 No.1690504
Or better yet download the new fairy fighting when it ups tomorrow and watch the fairy get raped
in just about anyway you could imagine (bar the furry community on here...)
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/12(Sun)01:52 No.1690506
>get panties off
>fuck multiple times
>never cum in her
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/12(Sun)01:53 No.1690508
All correct EXCEPT
instead of timing yours with hers, just keep hitting "cool" until you've made her cum 6+ times (I
remember the only time I got this was when I did it 2x by touch and 5x by penetration)
near the end she starts tearing up, get her to cum one more time and the word "congratulation"
will pop up in the lower-right corner of the screen. then you can do whatever you want--play with
her tits, cum in/on her as much as you like, etc-- and she won't resist you at all any more.
>> [_] Goken 06/03/12(Sun)02:12 No.1690513
all this hard work and the game glitches up and her right knee wont budge well fuck this game