File: flash 3D engine - bunker.swf-(517 KB, Other)
[_] Anonymous06/20/12(Wed)18:24No.1703149
/f/ is not just for XXX
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous06/20/12(Wed)18:27No.1703151
Are you the same guy just dumping his swf folder?
>> [_] Anonymous06/20/12(Wed)18:31No.1703155
i post handpicked, carefully chosen flashes that has either never been seen on /f/ before or
those that has not been seen for many months and hasn't been posted too many times
you must be thinking about some other guy
>> [_] Anonymous06/20/12(Wed)18:38No.1703163
the other guy dumps shitty flashes
>> [_] Anonymous06/20/12(Wed)18:40No.1703165
The XXX on /f/ is getting a little sparse
I need to find some good [H] to counteract this
>> [_] Anonymous06/20/12(Wed)19:42No.1703215
yeah its not super easy to find new good content to post
and if you post H that hasn't been posted before ill accept it. probably will be the same old
that has been posted 100 times before
>> [_] Anonymous06/20/12(Wed)20:02No.1703228
too easy to get out of
>> [_] Anonymous06/20/12(Wed)21:15No.1703289
Anymore multiplayer games that use this engine?
>> [_] Anonymous06/20/12(Wed)22:04No.1703308
looks like half life
>> [_] Anonymous06/20/12(Wed)22:31No.1703318
oh you
>> [_] Anonymous06/20/12(Wed)23:17No.1703331
Add some /H/ to this and we'll have some awesome 3D flash RPG games.
>> [_] Anonymous06/20/12(Wed)23:42No.1703347
>> [_] Anonymous06/21/12(Thu)00:12No.1703367
I had the same thought, but I suppose it's just the era?
>> [_] Anonymous06/21/12(Thu)00:27No.1703377
Turned on triangulation and ran from one end to the other a couple times. Tripped balls.