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This is resource DGK750X, a Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/res/1716520 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9. Discovered flash files: 1
File: dancingstreetguys.swf-(547 KB, Other) [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)18:23No.1716520 >> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)18:27No.1716526 If i ever hear this voice again.... >> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)19:13No.1716554 Source? >> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)19:21No.1716557 Did some one say weeaboo? >> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)19:33No.1716561 That sounds like music from the American Sailor Moon dub. >> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)19:45No.1716567 >>1716561 Are you new, or just trolling? >> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)20:18No.1716587 For some reason I keep watching this. So much want for that girl's voice >> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)20:24No.1716591 >>1716587 http://www.youtube.com/user/Nyanners >> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)21:00No.1716620 Considering there are no "real" swear words in Japanese, this is all on the translator. |