Archived flashes:
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Happy New Year!

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This is resource GE70CPH, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:28/7 -2012 03:56:49

Ended:28/7 -2012 07:32:42

Checked:30/7 -2012 09:46:16

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 7.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: WTF Kitchen Song.swf-(1.83 MB, Other)
[_] /f/ is sucking this evening Anonymous 07/27/12(Fri)20:50 No.1729903

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 07/27/12(Fri)21:24 No.1729929

  Is this a commercial? If yes, where do I find it?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/27/12(Fri)21:30 No.1729934

  Time to shine with my finnfaggotry!

  It's from a finnish comedy show where celebrities make their own characters, usually really
  shitty ones, yet it's all over the media and normalfags are shouting their favorite characters'
  catchphrases at work and school. Every time there's a new season I just want to bury my head in
  the sand and suffocate myself.

  My mom had one of the "songs" the character in the flash made as her ringtone...

>> [_] Anonymous 07/27/12(Fri)21:33 No.1729938

  Forgot to mention, it's called "Putous". There's shitloads of videos off it on youtube
  (practically every scetch), not that anyone here would understand. If you want to see more for
  some reason though, it probably helps to add either 2010, 2011 or 2012 at the end.

  I tried to watch it once, they dragged the (already bad enough) scetches forever, with the only
  comedy content being repeating one thing over and over again for several minutes...

>> [_] Anonymous 07/27/12(Fri)21:38 No.1729939

  ... unless it's the music videos you're interested, then you should search for "putous
  musiikkivideo". Sorry, having a hard time putting all my thoughts into one post, too drunk.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/27/12(Fri)23:55 No.1730048

  you did well my finnish brother.
  also, there is no drunk that is too drunk

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/12(Sat)00:18 No.1730063

Created: 28/7 -2012 03:56:49 Last modified: 30/7 -2012 11:15:28 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:52:25