File: Glazin.swf-(8.28 MB, Other)
[_] Anonymous 08/16/12(Thu)14:56 No.1745061
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/12(Thu)14:58 No.1745062
As much as I love the Jacuzzi boys and this song, this video makes me gag hard.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/12(Thu)15:42 No.1745089
>Gags while watching painted and dressed-up singing vaginas.
>Obviously gay.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/12(Thu)16:44 No.1745118
well i'm grossed out
>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/12(Thu)16:51 No.1745123
>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/12(Thu)16:55 No.1745126
lol. I knew where babies came from at the age of three. When my mom tried to tell me the stork
brought them? I flat out said, "I don't believe you." After three months of pestering, my mom
finally said, "Okay, fine. I ate a kid."
I'll be honest and say that shut me up for a good long while.
>> [_] Senju 08/16/12(Thu)17:02 No.1745131
Yeah every one knows there is an island called africa where babies come from. When white girls
eat the african babies, the nigger juices are removed, and they come out white, at the expense
that they will never lay an albino turd again. The african island babies never grow old, or growq
up figuratively, which is why even today africa is in the dark ages. The babies can be eaten, or
adopted directly, in which case the families love and protection causes the child to grow up and
become cool, or at least less newfagish.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/12(Thu)17:11 No.1745140
This was... Not good for me
>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/12(Thu)17:13 No.1745143
Meanwhile in Austrailia. Singing vaginas.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/12(Thu)21:05 No.1745299
What the fuck did I just watch
>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/12(Thu)22:23 No.1745337
The first 15 seconds didnt relize it was a vagina and started to wonder why i was getting a boner
over what i thought was a puppet