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This is resource N6H2X1A, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:7/7 -2012 05:50:06

Ended:7/7 -2012 10:34:40

Checked:8/7 -2012 00:18:53

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 29.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: SymbiosisofEvil06inprog.swf-(6.45 MB, Game)
[_] ILL TAKE YOU TO YER DESTINYjonathancharlotte07/06/12(Fri)22:44No.1714621

  New exp system and water effects with new map.
  Have fun and explore the underground caverns!
  Also you can spin whip by holding down the whip key and alternating up and the direction you are

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)23:05No.1714636

  Where the fuck do I go, I can't enter the door or go up the waterfall

>> [_] jonathancharlotte07/06/12(Fri)23:30No.1714643


  You can fly. Just jump once and alternate left and right arrow keys. Its debug.

>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)23:32No.1714645

  Its getting better but I would like to see weapons other than the whip.

>> [_] jonathancharlotte07/06/12(Fri)23:34No.1714647

  subweapons are up next. I'll do the typical ones and also do some new ones next update, metroid

>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)23:35No.1714648

  I stood in middle of a column of fish, taking no damage, then my plugin crashed.

>> [_] jonathancharlotte07/06/12(Fri)23:37No.1714649

  wait what lol
  I didnt program damage for touching the fish. I made a stupid.

>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)23:38No.1714651

  I whipped a red door, then my plugin crashed.

>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)23:39No.1714653

  I can't replicate it though.

>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)23:40No.1714654

  >no turning animation

>> [_] jonathancharlotte07/06/12(Fri)23:45No.1714657

  >No real feedback

>> [_] jonathancharlotte07/06/12(Fri)23:45No.1714658

  >>1714651 What exactly did you do? Which red door?

>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)23:49No.1714659

  The one near the start. The game crashed two other times, it seems to be some random thing.

  I'm stuck in the big pool at the far right, right under where there's some arrows and text that
  says "Un derground Caverns". I can't go down the ramp where I came in, like there's an invisible
  wall there.

>> [_] Anonymous07/07/12(Sat)00:00No.1714664

  The crashes seem to be associated with invincibility. The hit detection stops working shortly
  before it crashes. The spot near the start where there's two stacks of fish seems to be a good
  spot to reproduce it.

>> [_] jonathancharlotte07/07/12(Sat)00:03No.1714665

  I saw this when I went exploring and the invisible wall is fixed. Invincibility crashes however I
  wonder. What happens? Like it just says flash plugin has crashed?

>> [_] Anonymous07/07/12(Sat)00:11No.1714670

  Not bad, 6/10.

  -2 for almost nothing to do


>> [_] Anonymous07/07/12(Sat)00:11No.1714671

  The projectiles stop hitting, a few seconds later the fish stop emitting projectiles even though
  they're doing the attack animation, then the screen is replaced with this
  edia/uploads/gallery/images/2011-01-21-05-40-31-77b96f.png . Running Flash 11.1.

  It doesn't seem to be an out-of-memory error since the plugin seems to be steady around 100k
  memory. Possibly a null pointer exception from deleting the projectiles?

>> [_] Anonymous07/07/12(Sat)00:13No.1714674

  I held attack and pressed the directional keys to spin my whip and the sound keeps playing, it
  actually crashed adobe

>> [_] Anonymous07/07/12(Sat)00:17No.1714678

  You're probably hearing the fish.

>> [_] jonathancharlotte07/07/12(Sat)00:25No.1714679

  When duplicating movieclips in flash its tricky because if you assign it an instance name with
  the same name the previous movieclip will disappear, so I had to create a randomizing number in
  addition to 5 different letter global variables. They all unload when they hit jonathan his whip
  or the background.

  Could it be possible that the engine is trying to handle too many continually adding and
  randomizing numbers at once and that's crashing the game?

  Just for you, Ill make an update where you can switch to nyan cat in addition to jonathan.

>> [_] Anonymous07/07/12(Sat)00:26No.1714681

  no, it was definitely that metallic whip sound, with the guys shouting mixed in

>> [_] jonathancharlotte07/07/12(Sat)00:29No.1714682

  Were you hitting anything? Because there is no whip swinging sound effect when spinning. I'm
  sorry I unintentionally fucked your computers guys

>> [_] Anonymous07/07/12(Sat)00:52No.1714700

  >whipping a column of fish to death
  >crash plugin

>> [_] Anonymous07/07/12(Sat)00:55No.1714701

  Thinking about it, the problem probably is being caused by too many identifiers being created.
  You're creating a new label every time a projectile comes into existence, right?

  In any case using randomized labels really isn't a good idea. I'd suggest using a linked list
  pointing to a fixed array of objects. If you're unfamiliar with that technique, I can upload some
  example C++ code. If I remember correctly it should translate to Actionscript relatively easy.

>> [_] jonathancharlotte07/07/12(Sat)00:58No.1714703

  Please would be much appreciated, massa.

>> [_] jonathancharlotte07/07/12(Sat)01:26No.1714716

  Preferably post in my forum?

>> [_] Repost-chan07/07/12(Sat)01:38No.1714723

  Hey OP, long time no see. I posted an AS example of linked lists onto your forum under the newest
  update. It's pretty straight forward, but you can ask me any questions. I'll be awake for another
  3 hours.

>> [_] jonathancharlotte07/07/12(Sat)02:06No.1714734

  I replied to your post, halp plox lol.

>> [_] Anonymous07/07/12(Sat)03:20No.1714773

  >Walking around
  >Reach edge of map
  >heading backwards killing everything
  >Reach first set of fish
  >Killing them
Created: 7/7 -2012 05:50:06 Last modified: 8/7 -2012 00:19:51 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:53:50