File: A World Declaration.swf-(7.83 MB, Loop)
[_] A World Declaration of Liberation Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)01:35 No.1754503
When the time comes, take up arms, or you will be killed in their planned world genocide to
reduce world population to less than 1 billion.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)01:42 No.1754505
This december the jews are have one hell of a fight on their hands.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)01:47 No.1754507
>Rothschilds are rich
>OP is jelly
>he mad
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)01:47 No.1754509
why are the flags upside down?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)01:53 No.1754511
Is this the most annoying thing it the world?
Like seriously what is this?
Is this the Annoying Orange show I've heard so little about?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)01:53 No.1754512
Jew detected. Your time of judgement is soon at hand.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)01:54 No.1754514
To circumvent Jewtube. Jewtube automatically bans the video now when it detects it.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)02:23 No.1754528
Not a Jew, /f/riend. I don't believe in bigotry, persecution or oppression. Maybe instead of get
angry at Jews we could band together to help people.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)02:45 No.1754547
The best way to help as many people as possible with the least amount of investment is to free
them from Jewish enslavement.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)02:47 No.1754548
Jews aren't a race. They're a religious and cultural identity. Jews are multi-racial. Calling
Jews out for their tyrannical ways is not hate. It's like calling Scientologists out for their
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)04:30 No.1754573
>TLDW version
>OP is one of those global genocide nut-jobs
>Some fagot claiming to be some "supreme temporal" judge or some shit doesn't like Jews, wealthy,
families or successful international companies.
>continues to spout shit for a few minutes claiming to represent the public opinion of the whole
>Wants to make anti-antisemitism illegal and the usage of the term antisemitic illegal.
let me know if I missed anything
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)04:38 No.1754576
holy shit, I didn't realize it was the jews... but now, I'm on the correct path. gas the kikes,
save the world.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)04:39 No.1754578
enjoy sucking rothschild dick and taking jewish cut cocks in your ass
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)04:42 No.1754580
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)05:00 No.1754581
I thought you said they were gonna kill us all not give us mad butt sex.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)05:02 No.1754583
their wealth is illgotten through subterfuge and war profiteering. there is no justifying it
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)06:38 No.1754603
I still can't get past the first part without bursting out in laughter. I thank >>1754573 because
I never survive long enough to figure out what the video is about.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)07:03 No.1754607
Jews are bad news but sand niggers are worse.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)07:43 No.1754620
The entire world has been trying to exterminate the Jews since the flight from Egypt, and every
time the Jews have tried to lay down their arms for promises of peace, those promises were always
broken by the goyim, not the Jews, with blood libels like this flash as the pretense.
Not surprised, not even mad any more, just disappointed. Also still going to defend ourselves, no
matter how doomed we may be, because the only alternative to living in a world that hates us, is
dying in a world that will forget us.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)08:28 No.1754637
>This is what skinheads actually believe
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)08:30 No.1754638
>still milking that sob story
kike plz go
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)08:50 No.1754641
Except for the part where they (very wrongly) blame Satan... this is actually pretty wonderful.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)08:52 No.1754643
He wants to get rid of the police force and allow total anarchy
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)09:14 No.1754649
You are right on the money.
JEW monies!
heheh, couldn't resist
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)09:17 No.1754651
You lost me at the "satanic" part
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)09:33 No.1754658
Good luck OP, Israel has one of the best trained militaries in the world. For the last 60+ years
they have been militarily raping Palestine in all conflicts.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)09:36 No.1754660
Then they should at least honestly name themselves military conquerors and face justice at the UN.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)09:40 No.1754661
more israelis die to peanut allergies than rocket attacks
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)10:00 No.1754667
and whaddya gonna do about it if they dont?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)10:25 No.1754682
I replied to the YouTube video and got a response about 10 minutes later.
Boiled down to the uploader insulting my YouTube account name. Rather amusing display of
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)10:33 No.1754686
pretty much. there's a difference between hating crook bankers and being a faggot nazi. not a
jew, im just not a fucking moron either
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)11:05 No.1754698
It's a common misconception people have about the jews. Those who realize they aren't all
"sunshine and daisies" immediately equate them with something that they think is "evil," which in
turn happens to be Satan or something of Satanic origin.
Little do most people realize, Satan actually means "enemy/adversary" in hebrew. That bit alone
should be a tell-tale sign that the jews are not of Satan.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)11:05 No.1754699
Woops. That last post was meant to be aimed at you.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)11:25 No.1754708
Ill informed. This isn't an anti-jewish issue. It's an anti-zionist. Which everyone SHOULD be.
Zionism IS anti Semitic.
Zionists in the US are dragging us into every war under the sun while funding their terrorist
state in the Middle East.