File: The Man They Call The Devil.swf-(9.16 MB, Loop)
[_] The Man They Call The Devil Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)00:03 No.1747415
The truth will out. It's time to stop living with lies. He wasn't the devil. He tried to save us
all from the grip of Jewish capitalism and communism.
>Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many
dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene.
Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is
rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film
studios are run by Jews?
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)00:03 No.1747416
>And let’s not forget AIPAC, every anti-Semite’s favorite punching bag. We’re talking an
organization that’s practically the equivalent of the Elders of Zion. I’ll never forget when I
was involved in Israeli advocacy in college and being at one of the many AIPAC conventions. A man
literally stood in front of us and told us that their whole goal was to only work with top-50
school graduate students because they would eventually be the people making changes in the
government. Here I am, an idealistic little kid that goes to a bottom 50 school (ASU) who wants
to do some grassroots advocacy, and these guys are literally talking about infiltrating the
government. Intense.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)00:11 No.1747419
>We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish (written by a Jew
published on an Israeli News Media site),7340,L-3342999,00.html
>Zionism vs Bolshevism - The Struggle for the Jewish People (written by Prime Minister Winston
Churchill in 1920)
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)00:16 No.1747422
Take it back to /pol/, no one gives a shit here.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)00:26 No.1747425
Are you mad Gentiles are finding out the truth, Jew?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)00:29 No.1747427
Hitler seems like an alright guy. Everyone makes mistakes, that's why pencils have erasers.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)00:30 No.1747428
So, you are saying that he tried to save us from the "grip of Jewish capitalism and communism" by
killing million of children, homosexuals and jews? And by starting a war that killed 53 million
people? I tell you what, If thats his solution I prefer the "grip of the jewish capitalism".
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)00:31 No.1747429
cant make an omelet without breaking a few jews
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)00:40 No.1747435
He didn't start the war. The entire Jewish diaspora declared war on Germany in 1933, years before
Kristallnacht. Both Britain and France declared war against Germany first after Germany occupied
Poland. The USSR had been planning for years to invade all of Western Europe and was just a
couple of dozen months out from starting this. Poland threatened to invade Germany first, when
Germany tried to peacefully get its land back that was taken from Germany and handed to Poland at
the end of WWI.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)00:41 No.1747436
Poland was killing German speaking residents in Poland, and firing on German civilian airplanes
along the border. Hitler did what he had to do to protect the Germans in Poland. When the USSR
invaded Poland in 1939 as well, Britain and France didn't declare war against the USSR. It wasn't
about Poland, it was about destroying Germany for getting outside of the yolk of Jewish financial
control. Germany was in the right.
These are all facts which are in the history books, but are glossed over in the schools and on
mainstream media. You have been lied to your entire life.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)00:44 No.1747439
so germany makes an act of war, and then was on the side of the angles when people said HEY that
shits not cool, atleast for WW1 they had a reason to be pissed at the world, WW2 germany started
a fight and lost,
He rounded up people in his own streets and those he conquered on a campaign of racial supremacy,
his words sound kind but fun fact EVERY POLITICIAN SPINS THAT GOOD BULLSHIT, wouldn't be
surprised if the pro nazis prevent people from learning hitler was claiming credit for things
responsible members of the german government where going to do with or without him
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)00:48 No.1747441
>Wall Street Funded the Bolshevik Revolution - Professor Antony Sutton
Jewish capitalism and communism are interconnected. Jewish capitalism is about to liquidate the
entire United States and the rest of the West, just like they liquidated Russia with the
Communist Revolution. The Jews in New York financed the Bolshevik Jewish revolutions in Russia,
and all of the wealth seized under the collectivist policies in the USSR was sent over to the
Jewish benefactors in New York.
Communism, in its original form, is essentially a capitalistic slavery system in which the
Gentile workers are enslaved to the Jewish ruling elite Party members.
"Some call it Marxism -- I call it Judaism." - Rabbi Stephen Wise
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)00:53 No.1747446
Did you miss the part where I said Poland was killing Germans and threatening to invade Germany?
Poland started the aggression.
The Jews had tried to bring the Communist Revolution to Germany countless times, the Jews were
subverting German politics and business, and killing people in the streets. There was good reason
to round up the Jews, they were for the most part all Communists or Communist sympathizers. Don't
forget that the Jews in Russia had murdered some 40 million Christian Slavs by 1938.
Read this, the Communists were all Jewish.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)00:55 No.1747449
Commanders and leaders of the Communist Party during their attempted coup in Germany in 1918-1919:
>Rosa Luxemburg <--- Jew
>Kurt Eisner <--- Jew
>Karl Radek <--- Jew
>Karl Liebknecht <--- Jew
>Ernst Toller <--- Jew
>Gustav Landauer <--- Jew
>Eugen Levine <--- Jew
>Paul Levi <--- Jew
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)00:59 No.1747452
The National Socialists didn't start rounding up Jews until 1938-1939, after Kristallnacht.
Before then, Jews were still free to conduct business in Germany, take part in German society,
join the German military, partake in German politics, and run banks--even though the Jewish
diaspora as a whole had declared economic and financial war against Germany in 1933.
"Judea Declares War on Germany".[2] This same headline appearing in the New York Times after
Samuel Untermeyer made a radio broadcast rousing American Jews to action. Subsequent reports
appeared of some thousands of tons of fine German crockery and other German goods, having to be
dumped by retailers for fear of boycotters haranguing customers
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:12 No.1747461
Thank you OP I had no idea, thank you for this.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:12 No.1747462
Communism as the idea isn't bad at all. Its the people who abuse it and make it look bad. The
people you listed are all great people with great ideas.
And even if there are jews in the top positions of movie companys (which I believe is crap),
whats the problem with that? I can go out, marry people from the same gender and express my
opinion without going to a prison camp. All things I couldn't do with your "great" hitler.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:15 No.1747466
Obama just gave Israel $70 billion in financial aid, on top of the usual $3 billion the normally
get every year. The mainstream news media, which is all controlled by Jews, reported it as only
$70 million, but the the trail of breadcrumbs says otherwise.
>U.S. July budget deficit $70 billion: Treasury
>Obama says $70 billion, literally, in additional spending for Israel
The liquidation of the American people has already begun, and when they wake up and revolt, the
DHS will crack down and start butchering people en masse. The DHS is really the resurrection of
the KGB/NKVD/Cheka/OGPU of the USSR, all of the head figures in the DHS are ex-Weatherman
Underground communist revolutionaries
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:16 No.1747468
none of this affects me or anybody here
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:19 No.1747473
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:20 No.1747474
Nah, most of the head figures in the DHS are former military, center-right, and love merrka. Same
goes for most other head figures in the public sector.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:21 No.1747476
I'm out too. No sense arguing with crazy people.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:24 No.1747481
If he was trying to save us from the Jews, why did he also discriminate against and put all those
other people into camps? It wasn't just the jews. The man's entire plan was based upon heavily
seated bigotry and bias.
>He's trying to save us from the Jews!
It stands as a testament to the man's power of indocrination that even to this day, his speeches
still have the power to brainwash people.
The funniest part of all this to me, is the fact that all the conspiracy theories point towards
Hitler being a tool of the "Zionist" jews. Through the use of him persecuting Jews, they set it
up so that in the future, Jewish people would have a free ticket against discrimination.
In other words, while I don't believe this, if we went with the idea of Hitler having an ulterior
motive past his bigotry, everything points towards him working to help increase the power and
standing of the Jews that you rally behind him to defeat.
Congrats, dumbass.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:25 No.1747483
>Communism as the idea isn't bad at all.
Yes it is. As Bertrand Russell pointed out in his magnum opus, The History of Western Philosophy,
Marxism is essentially a secular Judaism. And Judaism, it is about Jewish supremacy over all
non-Jews, and the final sacrifice of all non-Jews to their God Yahweh, in order to redeem
themselves and be allowed to return from exile to their promised land.
As Yuri Bezmenov, the defecting KGB propagandist revealed, all leftists and agents of change such
as feminists, homosexuals, racial egalitarians, etc. are rounded up and executed shortly after
the revolution, because when they find out the Communism was never about the ideals, and it was
all a big lie, they become its bitterest enemies. Homosexuals, if they were caught, were killed
by Cheka/NKVD Jews in the USSR.
Watch this:
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:29 No.1747485
You say Obama like its him and not our entire Congress doing this shit.
Fun fact: It's your Republican overlords just as much as its the other side's Democratic
If you're blaming any one single politician and not the whole lot, you're doing it wrong. You
should know by now that any single individual capable of getting into congress had to sell their
morals and beliefs to do so. In the past twelve years, I have yet to see a true pillar of honesty
who's sole aim was to help increase the quality of life for the American People.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:32 No.1747486
Debate/discussion/whatever is over. This poster has hit the nail on the head.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:32 No.1747487
>If he was trying to save us from the Jews, why did he also discriminate against and put all
those other people into camps? It wasn't just the jews. The man's entire plan was based upon
heavily seated bigotry and bias.
You mean the Russians? Some of they were die-hard pro-Soviet Stalinists or Bolsheviks, and were a
danger to the Germans, and had to remain as POWs in the camps.
But over 1 million former USSR Soldiers, having been liberated from the Jewish Bolsheviks,
enlisted in the Russian Liberation Army and fought with the Germans in an attempt to free the
rest of Russia from the grip of Jewish tyranny.
Many other racial groups and ethnicities fought alongside the Germans, against the Jewish
controlled Allies.
Picture related, they all fought for Hitler and for their own people, as Hitler respected the
right for all races to have their own nations.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:33 No.1747488
Not to mention the lobbyists that meet with said politicians in backroom deals, either killing
legislation before it reaches a vote, or tacking on earmarks.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:36 No.1747489
So some guy made the mistake of calling Communism Judaism and you believed him?
Just because somebody says something in an official looking way does not make it true.
I implore you to abandon your delusions.
There are real villians in the world, and you are wasting your time on a people who, in the real
scheme of things don't actually matter. American Politicians, foreign Banking interests, the
United States Federal Reserve System. There are so many authentic, evil things in the world which
are stripping away our freedoms, and while your effort could actually go towards helping us to
free ourselves from their grasp, you instead fall for the traps they've set. You're wandering in
a maze which they have designed, letting yourself give into a fear which allows them to point you
at something other than themselves.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:37 No.1747490
It's not over until the Jew is removed from Western society and isolated in Israel.
>You say Obama like its him and not our entire Congress doing this shit.
Yes, I said that because there's only so much room per post and I had to simplify it, but I have
a lot to say, but you're right. Obama is merely a puppet. Congress and the Senate is all
controlled by the Jewish lobby AIPAC, and all Congressmen and Senators have to make an oath to
Israel or they are destroyed financially or politically.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:37 No.1747492
>implying Nazis weren't batshit crazy
They injected blue dye into victims irises just to see if they could 'make' them Aryan.
All your arguments are invalid.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:39 No.1747493
>Fun fact: It's your Republican overlords just as much as its the other side's Democratic
Also, I'm entirely aware of that. The Democrats and the Republicans are two arms of the same
>If you're blaming any one single politician and not the whole lot, you're doing it wrong. You
should know by now that any single individual capable of getting into congress had to sell their
morals and beliefs to do so. In the past twelve years, I have yet to see a true pillar of honesty
who's sole aim was to help increase the quality of life for the American People.
Yes, you're right, but don't assume I'm blaming a single politician. Sorry for the confusion
earlier. Obama is merely a front man, and has continued the same foreign policy that Bush did,
and Clinton before him, and Bush Sr. before him, etc.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:41 No.1747495
Your'e no different than the man who blames niggers for his own personal shortcomings.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:43 No.1747497
Implying that's not a made up fantasy written by a Jewish propagandist. Israel and the ADL have
paid armies of Jews editing Wikipedia with lies.
>Zionist Jews run Wikipedia - They Admit It : Proof
You want to know the truth about the Holocaust?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:46 No.1747499
If you see only hate and bigotry where there is only truth, then you should be asking yourself
exactly who your Masters are whom have brainwashed you,
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:46 No.1747501
So you would deny their reknowned Eindeutschung (Germanisation) program, claiming that all media
not ordained by you is irrelevant, save for unprovable, undocumented youtube propaganda? Classic
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:48 No.1747503
American Politicians, foreign Banking interests, the United States Federal Reserve System.
Those are all controlled by Jews. Seriously. Wake. The. Fuck. Up.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:56 No.1747504
Except there isn't truth there. There's speculation and opinions, and you trying to claim that
they are facts.
Your opinions are hateful.
When was the last time you actually went out into the world and tried to change it for the
better? Or do you just post things on the internet and hope that somebody will some day actually
do it for you? It's so easy to blame everyone else, but I want some proof that you've actually
put effort into building and fortifying a helpful, peaceful, compassionate, and supportive
Yet, something tells me that you have contributed to no such thing. Something tells me that
instead you sit in your home reading about how its somebody else contributing to the problem and
not your negligence that has led us to where we are today.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:56 No.1747505
>You're wandering in a maze which they have designed, letting yourself give into a fear which
allows them to point you at something other than themselves.
No. I am free. I have no fear. It is you who fear being called a racist. It is you who fear of
walking into their maze that they have designed. Jews coined the word "racism" and developed the
ideology of racism/anti-racism to divide and conquer Western civilization.
Leon Trotsky, Jewish leader of the Red Army in the Bolshevik Revolution, first used the word
"racist" in his book The Russian Revolution.
It's all a part of the Cultural Marxist agenda to break the West. The Frankfurt School, a Jewish
Marxist thinktank, developed the ideology of critical theory, political correctness, refined
racism/anti-racism, hijacked third-wave feminism, created multiculturalism, created the
beatnik/hippy movement and sexual revolution, to make the West open to violent revolution.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:56 No.1747506
I am not blaming you and only you for the worlds ills, but I am blaming people like you. Hundreds
of millions of you, silently judging everyone else and acting like you're the smart and all
knowing one's who think they can fix the world. All the meanwhile, the world keeps ticking away
and you make no real change, because you put no real effort into changing it. Criminal negligence
is an admissible crime in a court of law.
>> [_] anunymiese 08/20/12(Mon)01:57 No.1747507
>mfw the only thing people call hitler out on was his extreme anti-semitism and not his great
leadership and speaking skills
>mfw I cant >mfw on this board
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)01:59 No.1747510
I am posting hard evidence. I am providing citations and sources. I don't see providing any such
evidence yourself. It is you who are attempting to appeal to emotion. It is entirely your own
opinion. And you are naive enough to blame me for doing exactly what you are doing yourself, ever
so hypocritically.
The truth is the truth, no matter how much you don't like it.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)02:06 No.1747514
Both America and the Soviet Union also experimented on their own citizens without their
knowledge, and not merely on prisoners.
ltra involved the use of many methodologies to manipulate people's individual mental states and
alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and
other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as
various forms of torture.
What the Germans were doing may not have been of noble intent, but what the Americans and
Russians were doing was certainly no better. Your implied argument that the Germans were evil and
had to be stopped by the West is invalid.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)02:10 No.1747519
Yes, I'm sure you'd love to see all non-Socialists be tried and executed for not being as
"tolerant" as yourself. Do you not see the hypocrisy in that statement? You're far more
intolerant of those who do not agree with you.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)02:15 No.1747523
This. America didn't go to war against Germany because the Germans were doing experiments or
anything like that. The were mislead into going to war against Germany to reinstall the
Rothschild-owned Central Banks that Hitler had shut down and taken over.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)02:37 No.1747530
Assume for a moment that the Jewish Matrix of Power is real, and that the masses of people are
blinded, plugged into the Matrix, and unaware. Don't you think the thing to do is try to give as
many people whom are willing the red pill? What else are you to do when you are lost,
outnumbered, caught in a system which has the majority enslaved.
We are in the midst of a Zionist-Marxist Dark Age. You believe in what the masses have been
mislead to believe. Like the Christian Dark Ages, you persecute me out of ignorance like you
would have of Galileo when he attempted to dispel the myth that the Earth was at the center of
the Universe.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)02:43 No.1747536
Little known fact, they were gonna let that whole Pearl Harbor thing slide.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)02:46 No.1747538
Good lord this thread isn't a shitstorm, it's a full blown shiticane.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)02:55 No.1747542
/pol/ is that way >>>>
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)02:57 No.1747545
Welcome to what politics do to people.
And even with this furious shiticane, people will stay will either do two things: stay with their
side, no matter what horrors it commits, or just to the other team and act like anything they
said before trading out jerseys didn't happen.
All politics are bad. Always have been; always will be.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)03:05 No.1747547
Hitler was a good guy after all.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)03:10 No.1747551
>Politicians say nice things to make the people who can keep them in power keep them in power
That's like, Politics 101.
Also, are the people who are always like "Damn those money grubbing Jews!"
Are they Communist Niggers? That's the only reason why I could see why anyone would think that
Nazi could have saved America from Capitalism.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)03:18 No.1747553
Hitler had his dark side too, no man is perfect after all. But compared to Churchill, Roosevelt,
and Stalin of his time, and every single modern day Western politician, Hitler was a far better
Democracy has been a failed experiment. People are waking up. The West will soon yearn for
another benevolent emperor to set things right, another Marcus Aurelius, another Adolf Hitler.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)03:35 No.1747558
No. Jewish corporatism and capitalism is overly materialistic and consumerism-driven. It places
the sake of the economy above all else. The only thing of importance is growth.
Communism is almost the exact same except that it believes that everyone should be a worker and
have equal ownership--but it still places the economy as the number one priority of society.
National Socialism and Fascism were a reaction against this, they placed the people as the number
one priority: the well-being, long-term future prospects, the spiritual & intellectual
enlightenment of the people were number one. The economy was subordinated as as secondary
priority that served the people. People had a real purpose in life instead of just consuming
products, having 2 kids, working a 9-5 job, retirement and death. And the economy benefited as a
side-effect. Germany was the fastest country to recover from the Great Depression, after all, why
else was it selected to host the 1936 Olympics?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)03:37 No.1747561
Posting in an epic thread?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)03:43 No.1747562
And with America crumbling at the seams, with the American dream long dead, with capitalism
having been completely subverted by the Jews into their corporatist oligarchy... there really
isn't much left in America to defend. Seriously. If Thomas Jefferson were alive today, he would
have organized a Second American Revolution against the Jew controlled government long ago.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)03:53 No.1747566
>Politicians say nice things to make the people who can keep them in power keep them in power
Have you ever heard a modern day politician speak with such sincerity and conviction as Adolf
Hitler? I don't think so. Today's politicians all speak with an empty look on their face as they
read the teleprompter, regurgitating the same old rhetoric and politically correct garbage.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)03:53 No.1747567
It kills me how people always blame a specific group for all of the world's problems. It is
always "us" and "them". "They" always have their roots in every process, have absolute control,
are evil personified.
"They" are humanity. It's you and me. "We" are the disease infesting this planet.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)04:03 No.1747572
Blame the Jews for first making the distinction. It's rooted deep in their religion. They are
God's Chosen people, and all others are cattle to be exploited.
>Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)04:12 No.1747576
>We will not tell the rich to help the poor
>We ask you to help yourselves
>Everyone must help rich and poor
Fuck you neo-nazis for ruining what could be beautiful, he only hated the jews and their
by-products like how you hate niggers.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)04:26 No.1747581
Charlie Chaplin at its finest
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)04:59 No.1747592
>Communism, in its original form, is essentially a capitalistic slavery system in which the
Gentile workers are enslaved to the Jewish ruling elite Party members.
I lol'd. Have you even read how it originated?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)05:02 No.1747594
But marxism has nothing do do with judaism, are you retarded or what?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)05:03 No.1747596
Have you ever read anyone from Frankfurt school?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)05:03 No.1747597
I do not fear evil, I fear people who see evil and do nothing about it.
An entire race is not responsible for the actions of some individuals.
Every story can be seen from many places, Hitler obviously did all what he did because he thought
he was doing the right thing. His crimes against humanity are unforgivable, but so are many
others which happened in the past and are happening right now, and get no coverage or
remembering. When Assange tries to show the truth governments try to silence the involved. When
innocent civilians are killed by the US in the middle east for who knows what reason, you don't
care, because it doesn't affect you. When capitalism fails and debt runs rampant, the people
leave the solution to politicians, blame the man, and don't seek justice. To them their
involvement in society is minimal, they can't change anything.
The world could be so much better, if we just tried, if we were more kind and took matters into
our own hands.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)05:06 No.1747598
I know the true history as the Jews themselves know it:
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)05:08 No.1747600
I like that guy, the problem is a guys like OP or other retarded irrational nazis who don't see
things that he actually did and all they see is HURR HURR FUCK JEWS FUCK MARXISTS
this is why we can't have nice things and why nazi and Hittler will always be a joke
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)05:15 No.1747604
It's a complete bullshit and every rational person know it. lrn2history and not those fairytales
And that pictures is just absurd, the most meaningless quotes I've ever read. The second half
isn't even his words.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)05:22 No.1747610
Yes, they preach selfish individualism, critical theory, egalitarianism etc. Eros and
Civilization, which was directly responsible for kicking off the beatnik/hippy counterculture
movement, was about liberating one's sexuality... but look at what has happened. We now have a
civilization that values sex and pornography more than leaving behind a future for our
grandchildren, our great great grandchildren, and our ancestors a thousand years from now. A
civilization that is sick with narcissism and sexual gratification won't last. Our fertility rate
is far below the 2.1 necessary to sustain a population. Western Europeans will go extinct by
2150, around the same time as the Japanese, unless something changes.
As it stands, we will leave behind nothing. Are the egalitarian ideals offered by the Frankfurt
School worth extinction? Worth non-existence?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)05:24 No.1747611
Hitler asked us all to bear the National Socialist torch in his death and never forget what the
Jews have done to the world.
In Hitler's own words:
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)05:28 No.1747613
Ugh, this is not actually what they were about and this is not the problem they caused, they were
actually the ones who were criticising shit that you hate so much, like egalitarianism or other
Read it someday and cut out that shit about 2150.
Blaiming marxism and jews for all problems looks retarded considering real problems.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)05:29 No.1747614
I would have been a Nazi. I would have worn that arm band and cover, saluted my leader, and do
whatever he told me to do. The only thing Adolf had that no other leader had, was charisma and
passion. You can hear the tremble and distortion in his voice, the extra volume when he screams,
that you know he truly believes what he says.
But then we get this whole bad guy good guy thing going. To us, he was the bad guy, but to him,
we were the bad guy. So who is right? The victor I suppose.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)05:29 No.1747615
well, ok, good luck with fighting imaginable friends and not seeng real problems, I'm out
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)05:36 No.1747620
You're a moron. The Frankfurt School was composed of Marxist Jews and they were FOR
egalitarianism, not against it. Critical theory is meant to attack Traditional European values
and culture.
>The Frankfurt School refers to a school of neo-Marxist interdisciplinary social theory,[1]
associated in part with the Institute for Social Research at the University of Frankfurt am Main.
The school initially consisted of dissident Marxists who believed that some of Marx's followers
had come to parrot a narrow selection of Marx's ideas, usually in defense of orthodox Communist
parties. Meanwhile, many of these theorists believed that traditional Marxist theory could not
adequately explain the turbulent and unexpected development of capitalist societies in the
twentieth century. Critical of both capitalism and Soviet socialism, their writings pointed to
the possibility of an alternative path to social development.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)05:39 No.1747622
>The second phase of Frankfurt School critical theory centres principally on two works: Adorno
and Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944) and Adorno's Minima Moralia (1951). The
authors wrote both works during the Institute's exile in America. While retaining much of a
Marxian analysis, in these works critical theory shifted its emphasis. The critique of capitalism
turned into a critique of Western civilization as a whole. Indeed, the Dialectic of Enlightenment
uses the Odyssey as a paradigm for the analysis of bourgeois consciousness. Horkheimer and Adorno
already present in these works many themes that have come to dominate the social thought of
recent years; indeed, their exposition of the domination of nature as a central characteristic of
instrumental rationality in Western civilization was made long before ecology and
environmentalism had become popular concerns.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)05:50 No.1747623
Good luck keeping your head in the sand. When the US and Israel attack Iran in late October/early
November, which they will, remember that you will have less than 3 months to prepare for total
economic collapse, martial law, suspension of the constitution (in the US and the EU), and total
war against Islam. You will be drafted and sent as cannon fodder to die for Israel, a blood
sacrifice to Yahweh.
Have fun.
>U.S. Military Taught Officers: Use ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)06:02 No.1747626
> mfw OP has spent six straight hours pushing a political agenda on a low traffic board dedicated
to amateur animation and Asian porn
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)06:21 No.1747631
Hello. I wish you to know that I hold a doctorate of behavioral psychology from the University of
Sydney in Australia. I'm a nonpracticing psychiatrist, and I teach for a living, but I still have
clinical experience.
I won't antagonise you. But as >>1747626 so neatly pointed out, you've spent a very long time
indulging yourself in this thread. I have some questions for you.
Do you think that what you are saying here is important? What are your goals by making this
thread? What is your objective?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)07:01 No.1747643
I hate Hitler because nobody can rock that killer 'stache without social stigma backlash.
That's the only reason.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)07:05 No.1747644
>77 posts
>on /f/
Oh wait its all one guy samefagging.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)07:15 No.1747649
Maybe if Romney gets the electoral vote...
But I'll bet every swastika in Germany that neither will happen...
Enjoy your greentext
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)07:31 No.1747660
I can't believe someone still believe Hitler's lies
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)07:40 No.1747662
I want /new/ to leave
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)08:44 No.1747682
oh god rednecks
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)09:10 No.1747705
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)09:14 No.1747709
Salutations. I am a tenured professor of evolutionary psychology and I would like to refer you to
the following:
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)09:15 No.1747711
I can't believe liberals still fall for the Jew's lies
>not waking up and realizing there really is a decentralized, ad-hoc Jewish conspiracy
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)09:18 No.1747713
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." - Voltaire
Who group of people are we not allowed to criticize the most? Jews fit the description.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)09:21 No.1747715
>host the 1936 olympics
>lost to a nigger
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)09:23 No.1747718
Everyone watch this and laugh at OP
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)09:24 No.1747719
Hitler actually praised Jesse Owens and shook his hand, meanwhile Roosevelt snubbed him. Also,
Germany did win the most Gold medals that year.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)09:25 No.1747720
your all wrong. fuck the Jews the Germans the racists and truly fuck you. Anarchism is the true
face of life and only the strong should survive. I kill the spiders to save the butterfly's
>> [_] Anonymous 08/20/12(Mon)09:27 No.1747721
lol, 88 replies