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This is resource QYYE8Y0, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/8 -2012 02:01:25

Ended:16/8 -2012 07:19:53

Checked:22/8 -2012 07:52:45

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: under where.swf-(9.59 MB, Anime)
[_] Pantsu null !!3lIxD8oFumJ 08/15/12(Wed)18:20 No.1744417

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/12(Wed)19:23 No.1744473


>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/12(Wed)19:35 No.1744487

  sauce on song

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/12(Wed)19:53 No.1744511

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/12(Wed)20:07 No.1744531

  this is one of the best songs ever.

  It tells the story of the common american girl nowadays, blonde, retarded, and hot.

  It goes in-depth to teach us how american society has turned females into sex-toys and men into
  perverse beasts.
  It's message is as deep as those we can learn from the likes of Orwell and the Mad Russian.

  Also, it's about panties.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/12(Wed)20:11 No.1744535

  wut anime is this?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/12(Wed)20:15 No.1744539

  I know I saw Ichiban Ushiro no Daimoau and Sora no Otoshimono (Forte?), both of which I really
  enjoyed, the second almost entirely based on innuendo. I though I saw one more I was familiar
  with, but I've forgotten already.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/12(Wed)20:41 No.1744559

  thank you kind anon

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/12(Wed)21:37 No.1744598

  I saw Ladies X butlers in there and what

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/12(Wed)22:34 No.1744630

  there was facesitting and i am happy for that.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/12(Wed)22:49 No.1744643

  fukken saved.
  and i really love the fact that its almost NOT a joke song...its actually good to listen to.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/12(Wed)22:50 No.1744644

  saved as: Pantsu-the AMV

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/12(Wed)22:59 No.1744653

  So much to track down and watch i have purpose again

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/12(Wed)23:34 No.1744677

  Early on...
  some girl being felt up by testicles...
  clearly enjoying it...

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/12(Wed)23:42 No.1744685

  tentacles, not testicles.

>> [_] Please note! Veturikeisari !o74BcG6JXU 08/16/12(Thu)00:08 No.1744706

  No, this is just horrible. AMV:s are shit, because they usually have disgusting american music on
  the backround, and they are made by total weeaboos. I don't give a fuck if you think i'm the bad
  grumpy "hikikomori" with no job. Since with this kind of reaction to this bullshit, i most
  definetly will seem like one, and i've gotten used to it.

  Nevertheless i hate weeaboos and weeaboo culture, even if i share favourites in animes and mangas
  with those mostly stupid and mostly american japaniacs.

  If you agree with me on any level then i salute you.
  If you dont then atleast you love manga an anime and thats good, even if you are the bane of my

  Thank you for your time!

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/12(Thu)00:15 No.1744711

  You are on 4chan. There are only weeaboos. Maybe you should leave and never come back.
  [spoiler]Fucking autist.[/spoiler]
Created: 16/8 -2012 02:01:25 Last modified: 22/8 -2012 09:03:38 Server time: 13/03 -2025 10:19:34