File: dwarven_complete_v1_a.mod.swf-(1.63 MB, Hentai)
[_] E L PAnonymous07/09/12(Mon)16:21No.1716432
ok i give up, how do i get the moon underneath the ufo room
>> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)16:53No.1716456
if this shit was real i would be dead before I solved it
>> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)17:05No.1716463
If I recall right, you have to get to it from "start" room, or actually beneath it. You have to
transport extra metal block there from the smiley room.
>> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)17:06No.1716465
total play time: 0:35, 4/5 faces or something.
>> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)17:07No.1716467
FPS is horrid
It just locks me in a room when i pick up the third item, every time. I don't get it, or know
what buttons need to be pressed to get out.
>> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)17:08No.1716469
I can't get past that either... What exactly are the controls?
>> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)17:09No.1716471
There's a hole in the wall on the right side, look at the shadows.
I know, it's really dumb.
>> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)17:10No.1716474
Pay attention to the shadows on the wall. There are places where you can walk through.
>> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)17:21No.1716479
The fuck do you get past the room with the floor switches and the key in the middle?
>> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)17:29No.1716485
There is a way to get out of that room just look real good at the walls.
>> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)17:30No.1716486
The room right next to it shows you the answer just click the little button. The amount of
cirlces represent what button you push first.
>> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)17:32No.1716488
It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.
>> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)17:35No.1716490
>Trying to find the last moon
>It's hidden in the room with like 100 rocks
Fuck you.
>> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)17:58No.1716502
finished 1:02 I played before but forgot about a couple things.
>> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)18:22No.1716519
Fuck yeah, bet it.
A couple of bullshit things in there, but for the most part it was pretty alright.
>> [_] Anonymous07/09/12(Mon)18:31No.1716529
I beat it finally!!!!!