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This is resource TOLAFZF, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/7 -2012 04:12:35

Ended:5/7 -2012 09:58:28

Checked:5/7 -2012 23:13:59

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 20.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Inherent_Ethical_Problems_of_a_Market_System.swf-(8.88 MB, Loop)
[_] Anonymous07/04/12(Wed)21:10No.1713177

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous07/04/12(Wed)21:40No.1713205

  who posts this shit in here so often?

  i come to /f/ for little cartoons, remixed animes set to dubstep music, and porn.

  not so i can listen to some bubble headed faggot expound on his shitty half-baked ideas.

>> [_] Anonymous07/04/12(Wed)21:43No.1713208

  you make yourself mad.

>> [_] Anonymous07/04/12(Wed)21:45No.1713211


  who said I was mad?

>> [_] Anonymous07/04/12(Wed)21:47No.1713213

  What's this guy's name? I am intrigued

>> [_] Anonymous07/04/12(Wed)21:50No.1713217


>> [_] Anonymous07/04/12(Wed)21:50No.1713218

  cool conversation.. please post more

  inb4 "hes a newfag or summer". its nice to learn something every once in a while.

  those these are cute too

>> [_] Anonymous07/04/12(Wed)21:51No.1713220

  This post certainly sounds like you're mad.

>> [_] Anonymous07/04/12(Wed)22:08No.1713235

  That's good an all but we've seen this multiple times already. I think a whole Zeitgeist cut was
  posted to /f/ in small portions multiple times already, this one included. Do you have anything

>> [_] Anonymous07/04/12(Wed)23:31No.1713289

  I like this, it breaks things down to the basic level of "How much of a faggot are you?"

  HURR DURR KOOLAIDS DRINKING CULT PROPAGANDA can't apply to this. He makes a basic assumption that
  is shared by a large majority of humanity and expounds from there in a clear, logical fashion. No
  trickery, no leaps in logic. Just cold, smooth "Shit's fucked up and here's why."

  You could argue that nothing is fucked up, but then you would be a laughable faggot.

  I like him.

>> [_] Anonymous07/04/12(Wed)23:36No.1713298

  I define ethical as that which is voluntary, so I stopped watching.

>> [_] Anonymous07/04/12(Wed)23:41No.1713300


  Close, but you're assuming that everyone shares your view of freedom as highly valued. Your
  ethical system would actually deem most of human interaction as unethical, even when it is
  helpful and healthy to both parties (such as dominant/submissive relationships to willing
  parties). This should come up as a big red flag to you, and I suggest that you reconsider from
  the base up.

>> [_] Anonymous07/04/12(Wed)23:43No.1713303

  >such as dominant/submissive relationships to willing parties

  I don't see your point. That sounds voluntary to me.

>> [_] Anonymous07/05/12(Thu)00:03No.1713310

  Enjoy your artificial scarcity and price controls that starve millions.


>> [_] Anonymous07/05/12(Thu)00:12No.1713313

  If you agree with me, good, if you disagree with me YOU THINK HURTING PEOPLE IS GOOD.
  Although to be fair, market exploitation is an effect of of the financial trade, not the
  existence of money.
  Also, that which is profitable is almost never the same as that which is ethical. This is not an
  effect of the market system. this an effect of scarcity of resources.

>> [_] Anonymous07/05/12(Thu)00:25No.1713323

  So I just Pokerface.jpg through the entire thing and realise it's already looped 3 times.

>> [_] Anonymous07/05/12(Thu)00:26No.1713325

  how does an oil spill increase profits?

  why would you want everyone to be equal?

  what causes inequality more, free markets or socialism/fascism?

  how does he know that the market produces unethical behavior more than anything else?

>> [_] pappas07/05/12(Thu)00:58No.1713342

  mah nigga

>> [_] Fon Shaolin !QaHT6HayjI07/05/12(Thu)02:06No.1713383

  I wonder if he's just finished his first or second semester of his undergrad in sociology? His
  professor was probably behind the camera with cue cards.

>> [_] Anonymous07/05/12(Thu)02:31No.1713402

  money. great illusion. incentive. yes this is interesting stuff. If it annoyed you to listen to
  that once through then your probably not very ... oh who the fuck am I kidding talking about
  maturity on 4chan hah
Created: 5/7 -2012 04:12:35 Last modified: 5/7 -2012 23:14:38 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:21:42