File: BLACK SUNSHINE.swf-(6.61 MB, Loop)
[_] Fox Farmer !0Cft8DluT2 08/24/12(Fri)21:14 No.1750917
Having a wonderful time.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/12(Fri)21:29 No.1750931
fucking hilarous
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/12(Fri)21:33 No.1750934
its what keeps us alive
apparently the voice actor who voiced this flash wanted to remain anonymous and not be named
as a black man, I'm could care less about the flash, it was actually kind of funny
but the fact that you can't own up to it is fucking retarded you afraid to own up to something
just proves you KNOW it's wrong and the fact that you can't even be transparent and come out and
say it was you (even though everyone knows who it was) just shows that you're a cunt
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/12(Fri)21:47 No.1750944
i cree evre tim
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/12(Fri)22:47 No.1750978
lolz dude wut?
On another note, edit out the cop part, its not funny and it doesn't add anything to the clip.
Negro dancing down street is funny, "its what keeps us in line" even more so. Cops are just
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/12(Fri)23:07 No.1750999
he says "its what keeps us alive" derp