File: Oil_Roll.swf-(317 KB, Japanese)
[_] どうにかなるさなんとでもなるさ!Anonymous06/30/12(Sat)11:36No.1710160
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] oil Rollanyomous06/30/12(Sat)11:39No.1710163
Catchy of it?
>> [_] Anonymous06/30/12(Sat)11:51No.1710166
Garage Chanson Show "Rurou No Asautai"
>> [_] Anonymous06/30/12(Sat)16:58No.1710240
Anyone know what it translates to? Google translate doesn't really make much sense.
>> [_] Anonymous06/30/12(Sat)21:14No.1710325
НЕФТИ means oil, and it's coincidentally what the flash is supposed to be named... it's
pronounced nyefty god I hate you retards that rename shit.