File: Fuck Yeah America 3.swf-(9.27 MB, Loop)
[_] Fuck Yeah America Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)04:37 No.1761550
5/5 bretty good!
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)04:46 No.1761552
brb, hamburger
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)05:00 No.1761556
If this is the third one, do the previous ones have a permanent online residence, OP?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)05:06 No.1761558
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)05:26 No.1761569
*screams internally*
Thanks, although I regret it now.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)06:38 No.1761583
>*screams internally*
why did you scream?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)07:00 No.1761588
What the fuck
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)07:32 No.1761592
First time seeing the Americlap meme?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)08:32 No.1761611
Americans design and build everything from fighter jets to microprocessors. And yet, the most
complex thing most Americans can build is a hamburger! Forget income, the real discrepancy in
America is in critical thought!
The lower intelligent Americans will merrily ride an airplane or use a phone without ever
questioning how an airplane or microprocessor work! They've been indoctrinated by their religion
to believe instead of to think. So they don't think, and they don't innovate. Those are the type
of people in this video.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)08:47 No.1761613
Yeah. It's essentially highlighting how the mass American culture, lacking true purpose,
essentially worships cheap entertainment and materialistic indulgence, best symbolized by the
worship of the burger and praising the false triumph against an engineered existential crisis
(war against terror) through the ritualistic practice of clapping.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)08:49 No.1761614
I love stupid americans.
they make my day
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)09:38 No.1761623
>The lower intelligent Americans will merrily ride an airplane or use a phone without ever
questioning how an airplane or microprocessor work!
They question all the time, and even come up with amusing superstitions to explain it. But
they're not allowed to actually know how they work, because they're patented trade secrets, and
you can go to jail for reverse engineering them.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)09:54 No.1761625
And the best part about it if you take a good look around, you'll probably find that unless
you're living in deepest jungles of Africa, your country has all the same damn Americanized shit.
THAT is how you create an empire.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)10:36 No.1761643
I design microprocessors and go to church. Do I win?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)10:40 No.1761645
are they god fearing microprocessors?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)10:43 No.1761646
They're little endian. So probably.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)10:56 No.1761652
Why does Japan try to act like America so hard?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)10:59 No.1761656
>Why does everybody try to act like America so hard?
Fixed that for you.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)11:06 No.1761661
Damn it now I want to play Age of war
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)11:18 No.1761667
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)11:27 No.1761670
I love hamburgers
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)12:08 No.1761684
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)12:56 No.1761698
shit got me hungry, so i'm gonna make some microprocessors
wait fuck
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)14:00 No.1761730
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)14:23 No.1761743
>fuck yeah america
>opens with anime
fuck off
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)16:33 No.1761804
I live in America, but I agree most of us are dumbfucks.
It's amazing/sad how many of us can't think for ourselves at all, and how many of us just
mindlessly use things and not know how they work or what had to happen to get them what they want.
Most of us Americans only care about the end result and instant satisfaction. It's also very
annoying how many of us act self-entitled to EVERYTHING. You know that asshole that walks across
a main highway(Not runs, WALKS)? It's because he knows you have to stop for him, and expects you
It's just one example I can think of out of many, we act like we are better then everyone else
when we really arn't.
Don't get me wrong though, America is home to some of the greatest minds out there and also has
its share of really intelligent people.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)16:52 No.1761813
this, animu in america is cancer
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)16:58 No.1761818
usa is the fatmaster
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sun)17:03 No.1761820
needs more AMERICAN WOMAN, duh duhnduhn duh