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Happy New Year!

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This is resource VEVQAJJ, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:12/9 -2012 05:00:21

Ended:13/9 -2012 20:48:21

Checked:14/9 -2012 06:49:36

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 24.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: saving_puppies.swf-(7.38 MB, Loop)
[_] happy thoughts for a sad day Anonymous 09/11/12(Tue)21:45 No.1763318

  this is what it's all about

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/12(Tue)22:54 No.1763390

  wtf man?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/12(Tue)23:00 No.1763393


>> [_] Eff you. Mft 09/11/12(Tue)23:14 No.1763401

  You sick /f/u/c/k.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/12(Tue)23:19 No.1763405

  A sick video in reverse is still sick, and you deserve to be thrown into a lake with cinderblocks
  tied to your arms and legs.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/12(Tue)23:24 No.1763409

  this is horrible
  but I can't stop laughing

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/12(Tue)23:55 No.1763430

  you are doing the lord's work good sir.

  carry on.

>> [_] Repost-chan 09/12/12(Wed)00:01 No.1763438


>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/12(Wed)00:16 No.1763446


>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/12(Wed)00:18 No.1763449

  Shouldn't you be on youtube for this?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/12(Wed)00:38 No.1763460

  MY thoughts exactly.
  This video is horrible, and even watching it backwards, it still makes me hurt inside, but for
  some reason I can't stop laughing at it in reverse.

>> [_] 4chan 09/12/12(Wed)00:47 No.1763467

  I Approve

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/12(Wed)01:12 No.1763481

  Salright. As i understand, teh bitch went to jail. Now shes forced to eat jelly out of some dykes
  asshole all day long.

  I suppose there is a puppy drowning euphemism there, but it escapes me.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/12(Wed)01:13 No.1763482

  hydrating your baby weiner.

>> [_] a 09/12/12(Wed)01:20 No.1763485

  you deserve to rot bitch, throwing puppies into a river like that is a total bitch move. hope you
  enjoy becoming saintins little fuck buddy after you drown.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/12(Wed)01:24 No.1763487

  What the hell are you talking about? How else are you going to dispose of unwanted puppies, by
  wasting bullets?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/12(Wed)01:25 No.1763488


  you deserve to rot whore, coming from a NATO country and throwing Bosnian children into the pits
  of Greater Serbia like that is enabling genocide. hope you enjoy being a war criminal and guilty
  like every fucking german who was alive in 1939-1945.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/12(Wed)01:41 No.1763498


>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/12(Wed)03:45 No.1763537


>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/12(Wed)04:12 No.1763542

  Thats not saving puppys. Thats not saving puppys at all.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/12(Wed)04:41 No.1763549

  On one hand, this looks horrible at first, then you realize that aside from the method of
  killing, and I do mean killing not murder, we kill puppies all the time. for example you don't
  want a puppy for whatever reason? give it to the pound and they will kill it out of sight so you
  don't have to feel bad

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/12(Wed)05:40 No.1763573

  There's a big difference though. At the pound they kill them humanely, but injecting them with
  something that makes death seem just like falling asleep for them. Throwing puppies into a river
  condemns them too a slow, painful and distressing death by drowning.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/12(Wed)05:47 No.1763576

  It's not kittens she's doing it to though, so I don't see why everyone is so butthurt.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/12(Wed)07:40 No.1763623


  What are you, some kind of butthurt jew? Go evict some niggers out of their home, jewfag.
Created: 12/9 -2012 05:00:21 Last modified: 14/9 -2012 06:49:43 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:41:08