File: anon_partyhard214.swf-(881 KB, Loop)
[_] /r/ inside Anonymous 08/26/12(Sun)18:41 No.1752172
I remember once seeing a flash game I think posted here. You played with a catgirl, she had black
hair and fur. And you should squeeze her cheeks, rub her ears, pet her head, and even flick her
The distinct thing I remember is that when you pressed the button to make the flicking hand,
she'd close her eyes and brace herself, waiting for you to flick her. But if you waited, she'd
start to smile, then open one eye, then both eyes.
You could also give her water or milk, I forget which now, from this gerbil feeder like thing.
But the way she drank it was... Well... Lewd. She'd start by licking the dispenser with the tip
of her tongue, then start sucking on it, and eventually she sucked too much out and the dispenser
would squirt milk or water on her face.
Does anyone have this flash, or know the name so I can search for it?