File: ThereSheIs.swf-(2.7 MB, Other)
[_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)15:38 No.1753499
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)16:13 No.1753528
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)16:22 No.1753541
I misread the title and didn't know it's "that".
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)16:40 No.1753562
reported for containing pony content
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)16:57 No.1753588
/r/ing There she is 2....
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)17:37 No.1753624
on it!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)17:41 No.1753630
>someone posted it already
oh well
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)17:43 No.1753635
that was me just about to dump last one
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)17:46 No.1753638
And I'm really glad you did!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)17:51 No.1753642
slight prob with 4chan not posting last one
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)17:54 No.1753645
on it!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)17:57 No.1753647
ok thank you
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)18:01 No.1753649
huh, seems it didn't work...
second try.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)18:09 No.1753654
4chan is being a bitch, seems the file is too big to upload.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)18:11 No.1753656
that's 4chan bullshit because I've uploaded it before
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)18:19 No.1753659
posted a link in the last thread, hope people read it.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)18:19 No.1753660
ah doesn't matter now some one posted link for last one in other comment section
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)18:23 No.1753664
you're welcome!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/12(Tue)18:45 No.1753675
Why is this considered relaxing? The answer seems obvious, doesn't it? There are images of plant
life, running water, and subtle peals of thunder off in the distance all of which have a soothing
effect. But from our point of view, we are inside a grand hall, now decrepit as it is slowly
reclaimed by nature. And it is that aspect of this flash that is most appealing. It caters to the
human desire to return to nature and tear down the walls of modern living. Because the Grand Hall
is not completely torn down but instead in a state of great neglect (in modern living standards),
it represents an appealing balance between man made structure and the self-replicating towers
which spring from the Earth. This flash is relaxing because we as an audience can ESCAPE into it
and imagine, if only for a moment, that this is where we live, that the stresses and hardships of
Modern Living are naught but a distant memory.....