File: MegaSlotsv1.0.swf-(1.18 MB, Game)
[_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)08:25 No.1758282
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] that guy on TS 09/04/12(Tue)08:59 No.1758286
You cocksnuggling thunder faggot
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)09:05 No.1758287
6750...gets boring rather fast and you can't raise to 30 creds per try =/
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)09:57 No.1758313
not stopping until I get OS-tans
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)11:45 No.1758335
just got that and the double bonus
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)12:24 No.1758360
Fucking megaman bonus all the time and black people, white people!
Still no OS-tans, fuck
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)13:05 No.1758374
Have you noticed that there is no way lose this game?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)13:14 No.1758376
Ok, fuck this game, I will never get OS-tans
I'm at 33596 credits now, I've got every single other thing but OS-tan. I'm just gonna watch the
flash by myself then.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)13:16 No.1758377
Ahaha, got OS-tans on the 3rd spin. But I know how you feel >>1758376, some nights I've spent
hours trying to make Rika "nipaah".
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)13:20 No.1758379
Yeah I know, fucking dinosaur roar all the time, blows my eardrums out before I get nipah!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)13:44 No.1758395
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)13:48 No.1758396
Oh shit nigger
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)14:09 No.1758408
thats insane, nice job
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)14:20 No.1758410
59694 Credits.
Got every bonus and combo including 44444.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)14:53 No.1758422
I won like 50,000 credits or something and could not have given less of a fuck.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)14:55 No.1758423
100,000 credits, EVERY bonus including 44,444. Dominated the game and feel empty. feelsbadman.jpg
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)16:28 No.1758476
just got it bro
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)16:37 No.1758479
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)16:37 No.1758480
I got all of them!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)16:42 No.1758482
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)16:44 No.1758483
Nostalgia trip, not often that i hit /f any more and suddenly i stumble over some of Anonymous
D`s work.
He made a lot of stuff, wonder what happened to him.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)16:49 No.1758484
Last time I played this I spent over two and a half hours trying to get all specials, the last
hour and a half was spent entirely trying to get Nabi and Doki
>Mfw it's the very first thing I rolled
>> [_] Karai Pantsu 09/04/12(Tue)17:22 No.1758504
Got 5 amazons twice in a row... weird.
>> [_] Anonymous D !Noy5sI6il. 09/04/12(Tue)18:14 No.1758526
I'm still around.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)18:33 No.1758536
>> [_] Anonymous D !Noy5sI6il. 09/04/12(Tue)18:59 No.1758554
Check the tripcode, chief.
I'll be posting some OC in the next day or two.