File: A_TROLL!.swf-(7.01 MB, Other)
[_] You're a real shut-in, aren't you? Anonymous 09/16/12(Sun)04:06 No.1766056
>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/12(Sun)04:16 No.1766062
Actually, yes, I am.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/12(Sun)04:17 No.1766064
Yep. And proud of it.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/12(Sun)04:24 No.1766067
It's you're in my room, watching my every move...
>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/12(Sun)04:39 No.1766075
>4Chan the wacky anime, simulation!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/12(Sun)04:50 No.1766080
vicious cycle of trolling
>> [_] Handwash Only 09/16/12(Sun)06:39 No.1766112
Agh! How am I supposed to get back at him?!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/12(Sun)13:23 No.1766227
Oh god I forgot about this. Damn, what an amazing show Cromartie High is.