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Threads (1):
File[doctor-uncen.swf] - (385 KB) [_] [H] porn - /r/ inside Anon 1061032 Looking for the latest translated version of the CircleEden Mayuri game, even partially. >> [_] Anon 1061079 Am I supposed to get the heart to the middle? >> [_] Anon 1061085 someone needs to hood this when it zooms in >> [_] Anon 1061089 the M key gives her cat ears >> [_] Anon 1061101 >># Signed >> [_] Anon 1061104 >># G gives glasses >> [_] Anon 1061105 How can i take off all clothes? >> [_] Anon 1061110 its a puzzle >> [_] Anon 1061117 INSTRUCTIONS PLZ >> [_] Anon 1061122 I can get her socks shoes and jacket off but then I get stuck... >> [_] Anon 1061124 go for her red neck tie thing >> [_] Anon 1061127 Press tab. >> [_] Anon 1061132 just fucking use tab and spam her pussy after u get all her clothes off >> [_] Anon 1061135 i already put her legs up.. but the arrow still points to her knee?? >> [_] Anon 1061136 i already put her legs up. but the arrow still points to her knee?? >> [_] Anon 1061137 As has been mentioned, you can just tab, but here are instructions anyhow. 1: Unbutton jacket. Click shoulder to remove 2: Click left string of ribbon to remove 3: Unbutton shirt. Click shoulder to remove 4: Pull down bra straps. When all the way down it will come off. 5: Click shoulder for next scene. 6: Click and drag hands to move her arms out of the way. Make sure to move them as far as they'll go. 7: Pull her skirt up. Make sure it's all the way up 8: Pull her panties down and off. 9: Click her visible knee and drag to spread her legs 10: Get/keep her excited or whatever. Keep her legs spread and up. 11: Once the meter is high enough (for me that happened between the third and fourth notches from the top in the upper left quarter of the meter) you can finger her. Do so until you finish her off. >> [_] sizzle titz !e1QaonJtFE 1061142 >># Right Click play for super sexy shortcut. SRSLY I was surprised. |