File: Stan_Sells_everything_to_Guybrush.swf-(562 KB, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 10/16/12(Tue)00:45 No.1786054
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/12(Tue)00:56 No.1786066
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/12(Tue)03:28 No.1786170
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/12(Tue)03:33 No.1786172
Game is monkey island, song is Wierd Al - hardware store
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/12(Tue)03:36 No.1786177
The song is "Hardware store" by Weird Al Yankovic.
And I'm not too sure but I think the game is Monkey Island but It's been some time since I've
played that so I may be wrong.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/12(Tue)04:49 No.1786244
holy passive aggressive batman
but you are correct
it's "The Secret of Monkey Island" infact, the first one
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/12(Tue)05:40 No.1786277
i love this song so much
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/12(Tue)06:28 No.1786292
Allen wrenches, gerbil feeders, toilet seats, electric heaters, trash compactors, juice
extractor, shower rods and water meters, walkie-talkies, copper wires, safety goggles, radial
tires, BB pellets, rubber mallets, fans and dehumidifiers, picture hangers, paper cutters, waffle
irons, window shutters, paint removers, window louvres, masking tape and plastic gutters, kitchen
faucets, folding tables, weather stripping, jumper cables, hooks and tackle, grout and spackle,
power foggers, spoons and ladles, pesticides for fumigation, high-performance lubrication, metal
roofing, water proofing, multi-purpose insulation, air compressors, brass connectors, wrecking
chisels, smoke detectors, tire guages, hamster cages, thermostats and bug deflectors, trailer
hitch demagnetizers, automatic circumcisers, tennis rackets, angle brackets, duracells and
energizers, soffit panels, circuit breakers, vacuum cleaners, coffee makers, calculators,
generators, matching salt and pepper shakers.