/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2596 · P5191 |
This is resource C8LP29C, a Archived Thread.
Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 8. Discovered flash files: 1 / > /fap/ > Thread 1678 Age: 48.95d Health: 0% Posters: 5 Posts: 8 Replies: 7 Files: 1+3 >> NoRule 25nov2012(su)04:37 No.4951 OP P1 Jessica's Showtime Tags: Bart Lisa Jessica Simpson Handjob Simple Flash Loop ;D [IMG] Jess.swf (135 KiB) 600x380, Compressed. 13 frames, 25 fps (00:01). Ver10, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No. Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA> >> Anonymous 25nov2012(su)05:22 No.4956 A P2R1 not too shabby! you made it? >> NoRule 25nov2012(su)05:41 No.4958 OP P3R2 Sure ;D Here my other Works! >> Nanonymous 25nov2012(su)13:50 No.4959 B P4R3 My fucking god, the animation was lifeless but it was alright, but why the hell did you add such a sharp tone to it, is his cock an alien weapon or something? >> Anonymous 26nov2012(mo)06:40 No.4965 A P5R4 >>4958 Dude, nice! All of those seems like they are made in flash, you'd be a hero if you up the swf files here on /fap/!!! If you felt like it you could add audio if you have them in flash, just small sound clips of the girls speaking from the series would do a lot of good to enhance the quality of the flash. Especially easy to find good audio samples of Lisa, I've watched the Simpsons a million times and heard lisa moaning or being hit or something and thought to myself "that would fit so well as audio in simpsons porn". And sometimes she's even saying stuff that could be taken sexually when taken out of context >>4959 >is his cock an alien weapon or something lol >> Teran 27nov2012(tu)00:03 No.4969 C P6R5 Any date? Hey, any date on when your movie comes out? any indication what so ever? :) and where can we find it? >> Anonymous 5dec2012(we)09:38 No.5050 A P7R6 come on op, can't you share more of your flashes? >> Anonymous 8dec2012(sa)05:10 No.5076 D P8R7 spam |